The new is an experiment in data aggregation, and might have a few bugs. Feel free to explore, and then provide feedback directly to @martindale.

search results for chyrp

Importing StackOverflow ( al) into Chryp Using Aggregates

StackOverflow LogoAs I have mentioned before, I'm in a love affair with Chyrp, which is an up-and-coming platform meant to replace WordPress and work a bit like Tumblr, as a microblogging and lifestreaming service.

One of Chyrp's major draws for me is the Aggregator module, which is included in Chryp 2.0 by default. Mike Crittenden of MergeWeb Fame has covered the use of Chyrp's Aggregator previously, but I figured I'd dive in a bit further and help others in configuring their feeds.

You may also be familiar with StackOverflow, a crowd-sourcing social-media head-bashing awesome site that enables users to ask tech-related questions and get awesome community-approved answers. The same group runs several other sites using the same model, including SuperUser and ServerFault, and they are even releasing their codebase as free and open source as the <a href=">StackExchange project.

But, onward into the goodies: syndicating your activity on StackOverflow (and the other sites) using Chryp.

The first you'll need is your Activity Feed. To acquire this, visit the "Recent" tab of your user profile and look in the bottom right hand corner: you'll see a link to "user recent activity feed". This is the URL for your activity feed, grab that and let's move on to Chyrp.

In Chyrp, you'll want to add a new aggregate in your Admin panel. Paste your Activity Feed into the "Source URL" box, then configure the remaining settings as follows:

Feather: Link Post Attributes: name: "feed[title]" source: "feed[id]" description: "feed[description]"

Now, assign a "Name" and make sure the correct Author is selected, and click "Update". You're all done! You'll see new content from your feed the next time your aggregates update.

Questions? Comments? Lemme have 'em.

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Display Foursquare Badges in Chyrp without using Javascript

If you notice, I currently display my Foursquare badges over in the right hand side. I'm not sure about how long I'll display them specifically, so here's a screenshot:

I recently received an email inquiring about how I accomplished this. Well, since I use Chyrp, here's how I did it:

  1. In includes/controller/Main.php, add the following, somewhere around line 715 (immediately after $this->context["sql_queries"] =& SQL::current()->queries;): // BEGIN Foursquare Badges $cURL = curl_init(); curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_USERPWD, ""); $strPage = curl_exec($cURL); curl_close($cURL); $foursquare = json_decode($strPage); $badges = $foursquare->user->badges; foreach ($badges as $badge) { $this->context['foursquare_badges'] .= '<img src="'.$badge->icon.'" title="'.$badge->description.'" />'; }
    // END Foursquare Badges
  2. In themes/your_theme_name/content/sidebar.twig, wherever you want to display your foursquare tags, simply add: <div> <h1>Foursquare Badges</h1> $foursquare_badges </div></code> You can display this wherever you like, in any part of your Chyrp template.

Be aware that this requires PHP's CURL module. I encourage you to enable Chyrp's caching module as well, so every page load does not incur a single API request (I have a feeling that they probably won't appreciate it). The benefit of this is that your Foursquare badges will now be output by your server, so they are both indexable by search engines and degrade very gracefully when the client doesn't have Javascript enabled (NoScript users, particularly).


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RSS is back, or "a brief history of"

Hello there, adoring internet-stalkers! (I'm kidding. ~_~) You may have noticed (if you were loyal, that is ;)) that my Feedburner-powered RSS Feed has been lacking in activity lately. There's a reason for that.

Recently, I got rid of WordPress and Sweetcron in favor of a new CMS platform, Chyrp. I had been running Wordpress for a long time, using it to share my thoughts with the general internet populace. However, it had become a bit of a chore to maintain, and it really felt like duplicate work on top of all the other content-generation I was already performing (i.e., forum posts, blog comments, "Loved" Tracks, Google Reader shared items, etc.), so I began to look for a way to aggregate this content into a central place.

For a while, FriendFeed served this purpose well, but I didn't like the lack of control I had over the source. Facebook also filled part of this gap (and it still does, to a point), and they've even purchased FriendFeed, but I was looking for something quite a bit more customizable and self-hosted. Through various referrals, I came across Yongfook's Sweetcron project which was a new platform designed specifically for this new thing they called, le gasp, "Lifestreaming".

However, after fighting with Sweetcron and its aggregation methods, particularly its lack of support for various service feed formats; I decided to look into something else. Initial searches landed me upon Tumblr, who had conveniently announced a feature that syncs comments across multiple services (or aggregates). Sadly, I didn't want to get back into a world where all my code was hosted by someone else, and I had no control over it. I kept Sweetcron running on my site under lifestream/, but I continued searching for a better solution.

I then stumbled across Bazooka, which was billed as "the first free PHP tumblelog engine". Thanks to Bazooka developer Evan Walsh, who alerted me to a more up-to-date and current replacement called Chyrp. And I was sold. I immediately spent a few hours converting my existing content from WordPress and SweetCron over to a test installation of Chyrp, and then took the next night changing my site structure and 301'd all my old links to the new URLs.

That's where stands today. I've spent a few weeks getting my stream set up the way I want it, and I'm turning the RSS feed back on. Posts should begin flowing into your RSS reader very shortly. Post comments, feedback, and questions here!

Edit 10:13 PM EST: It looks like Feedburner is having some trouble parsing my new RSS content. You can subscribe to my direct feed and it will always work.

Edit 10:58 PM EST: I've fixed the problem and committed the patch to GitHub.

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