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“No new cryptographic assumptions are made...

“No new cryptographic assumptions are made in Mimblewimble — it's just the discrete log problem. Same thing as Bitcoin.” — Andrew Poelstra

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Andrew Poelstra from Blockstream explaining Mimblewimble,...

Andrew Poelstra from Blockstream explaining Mimblewimble, which shows strong scalability...


Andrew Poelstra from Blockstream explaining Mimblewimble, which shows strong scalability...

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What were your thoughts on this...

What were your thoughts on this article, @ryanxcharles? I know we've talked a few times about stoicism. Pretty neat.


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Democracy is provably unfair. It's time...

Democracy is provably unfair. It's time to unwind blind dedication to traditions & build ourselves something better.


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“The secret of freedom lies in...

“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.” ― Maximilien de Robespierre

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