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search results for politics

I dont know is that is... in reply to

I dont know is that is really a work of government sponsored hackers , I mean "flame", but obviously that some ppl in government see that that attacks on infrastructure in Iran are great for them to promote American supremacy in IT technologies and hacking.
Therefore they will every attack on Iran in IT hacking field publicly sign as their own attack. If nothing else it hype out the moral of US troops and citizens.
But the worst thing about that is that they will not stop at hacking attacks but will continue with air and ground attacks by USA military and NATO alies.

Btw I generally stray out of politics also and this is just my vision of events that are and to come on global political scene.

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As a corporate business insider I... in reply to

As a corporate business insider I can offer a perspective from the "enemy's" den. Many people agree that this movement has gained momentum and has the potential to become as big or bigger than the Tea Party Movement. I grew up in the same generation as many of those protesting today and I understand the innuendo behind Anonymous, I understand point being made by the zombies, and I understand what general sense of anger is meant for. However, keep in mind that you are generally a younger generation trying to speak to an industry dominated mostly by an older generation of people. To these people this movement appears random, chaotic, and annoying simply because they don't even know what this movement's demands or goals are. Indeed for almost all of September I don't think Wall Street even understood exactly what they were protesting, and just recently have they gotten some kind of vague idea as to what these people want done. Most people relate these types of sit-in's to hippies from their generation and view them as more of an unorganized annoyance. To my friends who I work with in NYC, comments I hear from them are to this effect (I am summarizing several people's opinions as one): "It's just stupid, they block traffic and cause trouble nearby. We have to exit buildings from completely the opposite side now just to avoid them if we're wearing a suit regardless of our purpose. No one is there during the day but all of a sudden they pop up during rush hour. They wreck local businesses and drive customers away. The corporations they protest are unaffected but the small businesses nearby are the ones they are actually hurting. We don't even know what they want."

My bosses have gone to meetings with Bernanke and Geithner it is unclear still whether these protests will actually have any influence over policy. At an executive level they still appear confused as to how to handle situation, mostly because they do not understand it. But understand this, from their perspective they have changed the following: In terms of big banks, their balance sheets have been improved light years beyond where they were in 2008 with more liquidity and more capital on hand to prevent these types of shocks to the system. They have repaid any tax dollars received and are often significantly more efficient at implementing change than the government is in making up it's mind on what to do. The majority of issues occurs because of the indecisiveness in Washington. Think about these issues: 12 people are tasked with cutting $1.7 Trillion in the next 5 weeks -- The only way that is going to happen is if they cut large dollar programs. That means Healthcare, medicare, social security, and of course military but that is even less politically viable than the other three. There is also gridlock on what will happen with the tax system in the future. Those main issues where indecisiveness has been are also some of the largest possible expenses a corporation could have. How do plan for variable expenses that could go up or down by 50% in EITHER direction? Corporations have no idea how to plan for healthcare, medicare, or social security plans for their employees because there is no decisiveness on what will occur in the future. They do not want to hire people that they cannot afford to keep a year later because of law changes. So even if they have the money for it now (which they do), they are unable to hire because of the risk of causing liquidity issues later and the massive negative PR associated with hiring and then firing. These banks also receive criticism for not lending money out, but this is not their fault. They ARE lending money out, but there is no demand. It is not supply side issues, there is plenty of money out there to be had. You can get a loan today no problem, don't believe me? Go try it at any bank you want. There is just no one who wants to take a loan. So all that free capital that we spent 3 years trying to push into banks is now stuck there.

This issue is not business related anymore. It is purely political. My above statements are not to absolve corporations of responsibility in 2008, but they are more to explain the current situation here and now. Europe is a whole other book to write about another time.

In a world where politicians and talking heads can call the greatest capitalist of our time Warren Buffett a socialist, and get away with it as "news" is the real issue at hand.

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I've just learned of a virus that was launched against the U.S. Drone Fleet. See the attached article...

I've just learned of a virus that was launched against the U.S. Drone Fleet. See the attached article from Wired.

Earlier this year, the Pentagon recently concluded that digital attacks such as this can constitute an act of war [1]. This one doesn't [yet] seem as sophisticated as last year's attack on Iran's nuclear reactors by Stuxnet [2], but it continues to show how important and integral our computer systems are in this rapidly changing world. Security professionals +Alex Levinson, +Jerome Radcliffe, and +Scott Hanselman surely have some great insight here, I highly recommend you go take a look at some of the things they've written.

In 2009, a very sophisticated [and successful] cyber-attack was launched from inside China that targeted the United States through Google and Adobe [3] that caused surprisingly few stirs within our government, especially after NATO was sent in to assist in the defense of Estonia's computer systems during the 2007 attacks [4]. Not long after this, the widely-used and [formerly] explicitly trusted RSA security mechanism, used in a large number major institutions around the world. was completely and entirely broken [5] by an embarrassingly simple hack [6].

Aside: We can look back at some of the things actual software engineers like +Ryan Dahl [7] and +Zack Morris [8] have been saying lately and quickly conclude that there's something fundamentally broken with the whole system. If you've ever worked on or with a large software project, you can see evidence of negligence and ignorance alike embedded at every level. It certainly contributes to if not causes these types of security concerns.



» Exclusive: Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet

A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America's Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots' every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over

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I've just learned of a virus that was launched against the U.S. Drone Fleet. See the attached article...

I've just learned of a virus that was launched against the U.S. Drone Fleet. See the attached article from Wired.

Earlier this year, the Pentagon recently concluded that digital attacks such as this can constitute an act of war [1]. This one doesn't [yet] seem as sophisticated as last year's attack on Iran's nuclear reactors by Stuxnet [2], but it continues to show how important and integral our computer systems are in this rapidly changing world. Security professionals +Alex Levinson, +Jerome Radcliffe, and +Scott Hanselman surely have some great insight here, I highly recommend you go take a look at some of the things they've written.

In 2009, a very sophisticated [and successful] cyber-attack was launched from inside China that targeted the United States through Google and Adobe [3] that caused surprisingly few stirs within our government, especially after NATO was sent in to assist in the defense of Estonia's computer systems during the 2007 attacks [4]. Not long after this, the widely-used and [formerly] explicitly trusted RSA security mechanism, used in a large number major institutions around the world. was completely and entirely broken [5] by an embarrassingly simple hack [6].

Aside: We can look back at some of the things actual software engineers like +Ryan Dahl [7] and +Zack Morris [8] have been saying lately and quickly conclude that there's something fundamentally broken with the whole system. If you've ever worked on or with a large software project, you can see evidence of negligence and ignorance alike embedded at every level. It certainly contributes to if not causes these types of security concerns.



» Exclusive: Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet

A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America's Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots' every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over

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I've just learned of a virus that was launched against the U.S. Drone Fleet. See the attached article...

I've just learned of a virus that was launched against the U.S. Drone Fleet. See the attached article from Wired.

Earlier this year, the Pentagon recently concluded that digital attacks such as this can constitute an act of war [1]. This one doesn't [yet] seem as sophisticated as last year's attack on Iran's nuclear reactors by Stuxnet [2], but it continues to show how important and integral our computer systems are in this rapidly changing world. Security professionals +Alex Levinson, +Jerome Radcliffe, and +Scott Hanselman surely have some great insight here, I highly recommend you go take a look at some of the things they've written.

In 2009, a very sophisticated [and successful] cyber-attack was launched from inside China that targeted the United States through Google and Adobe [3] that caused surprisingly few stirs within our government, especially after NATO was sent in to assist in the defense of Estonia's computer systems during the 2007 attacks [4]. Not long after this, the widely-used and [formerly] explicitly trusted RSA security mechanism, used in a large number major institutions around the world. was completely and entirely broken [5] by an embarrassingly simple hack [6].

Aside: We can look back at some of the things actual software engineers like +Ryan Dahl [7] and +Zack Morris [8] have been saying lately and quickly conclude that there's something fundamentally broken with the whole system. If you've ever worked on or with a large software project, you can see evidence of negligence and ignorance alike embedded at every level. It certainly contributes to if not causes these types of security concerns.



» Exclusive: Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet

A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America's Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots' every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over

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I've just learned of a virus that was launched against the U.S. Drone Fleet. See the attached article...

I've just learned of a virus that was launched against the U.S. Drone Fleet. See the attached article from Wired.

Earlier this year, the Pentagon recently concluded that digital attacks such as this can constitute an act of war [1]. This one doesn't [yet] seem as sophisticated as last year's attack on Iran's nuclear reactors by Stuxnet [2], but it continues to show how important and integral our computer systems are in this rapidly changing world. Security professionals +Alex Levinson, +Jerome Radcliffe, and +Scott Hanselman surely have some great insight here, I highly recommend you go take a look at some of the things they've written.

In 2009, a very sophisticated [and successful] cyber-attack was launched from inside China that targeted the United States through Google and Adobe [3] that caused surprisingly few stirs within our government, especially after NATO was sent in to assist in the defense of Estonia's computer systems during the 2007 attacks [4]. Not long after this, the widely-used and [formerly] explicitly trusted RSA security mechanism, used in a large number major institutions around the world. was completely and entirely broken [5] by an embarrassingly simple hack [6].

Aside: We can look back at some of the things actual software engineers like +Ryan Dahl [7] and +Zack Morris [8] have been saying lately and quickly conclude that there's something fundamentally broken with the whole system. If you've ever worked on or with a large software project, you can see evidence of negligence and ignorance alike embedded at every level. It certainly contributes to if not causes these types of security concerns.



» Exclusive: Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet

A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America's Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots' every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over

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Reagan no intellect? A quick, definately... in reply to

Reagan no intellect? A quick, definately intelligent and eloquent man. And like his politics or not, his affection for his family can't be drawn into question.

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Stop getting distracted by politics. Go...

Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and create real value!

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What's "worrying" is that the Obama... in reply to

What's "worrying" is that the Obama White House leaked this story to their NYT buddies for political gain and to screw Israel. Again. Which is why Holder won't appoint a special prosecutor.

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What's "worrying" is that the Obama... in reply to

What's "worrying" is that the Obama White House leaked this story to their NYT buddies for political gain and to screw Israel. Again. Which is why Holder won't appoint a special prosecutor.

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What's "worrying" is that the Obama... in reply to

What's "worrying" is that the Obama White House leaked this story to their NYT buddies for political gain and to screw Israel. Again. Which is why Holder won't appoint a special prosecutor.

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“Good behavior is good ‘politics,’ which...

“Good behavior is good ‘politics,’ which is something this non-political money needs.” – @Jim_Harper, presciently in


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RT @martindale: Almost everyone I know...

RT @martindale: Almost everyone I know wants to improve on-chain scaling. Why are we falling back to the same old two-party politics we se…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by...

RT @martindale: Stop getting distracted by politics. Go build new things rather than tearing down the old. Stay focused on the future and c…

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Paul Graham, made it possible for... in reply to

Paul Graham, made it possible for me to see the present equivalent of great scientists and the American founding fathers in true hackers. They are not conned in by convention, they question things in a new light unlike the present trend we see in the academic institutions and politics. Though i must confess, they are still true hackers in academic clothing in institutions, which is a good thing.

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RT @martindale: “Good behavior is good...

RT @martindale: “Good behavior is good ‘politics,’ which is something this non-political money needs.” – @Jim_Harper, presciently in https:


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RT @martindale: “Good behavior is good...

RT @martindale: “Good behavior is good ‘politics,’ which is something this non-political money needs.” – @Jim_Harper, presciently in https:


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I generally stray from politics, but...

I generally stray from politics, but this warrants attention. The United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) is far more capable than they have [until recently] been letting on. Bush ordered these unprecedentedly sophisticated attacks on Iran, and Obama has accelerated them. Stuxnet was a complete and utter masterpiece, and Flame follows closely in its footsteps. The implications of these actions are worrying at best -- escalating a soft war to these measures is pushing the boundaries of the modern legal system and I'm surprised there hasn't been a more formal declaration in light of the official news that the USA and Israel were responsible for the direct attacks on Iran's infrastructure.


Obama Ordered Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran

Even after the Stuxnet computer worm became public, President Obama accelerated cyberattacks against Iran that had begun in the Bush administration, temporarily disabling 1,000 centrifuges.

Obama Ordered Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran

Even after the Stuxnet computer worm became public, President Obama accelerated cyberattacks against Iran that had begun in the Bush administration, temporarily disabling 1,000 centrifuges.

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I generally stray from #politics , but this warrants attention. The United States Cyber Command ( #USCYBERCOM...

I generally stray from #politics , but this warrants attention. The United States Cyber Command ( #USCYBERCOM ) is far more capable than they have [until recently] been letting on. Bush ordered these unprecedentedly sophisticated attacks on #Iran , and Obama has accelerated them. #Stuxnet  was a complete and utter masterpiece, and #Flame  follows closely in its footsteps.

The implications of these actions are worrying at best -- escalating a soft war to these measures is pushing the boundaries of the modern legal system and I'm surprised there hasn't been a more formal declaration in light of the official news that the USA and Israel were responsible for the direct attacks on Iran's infrastructure.


Obama Ordered Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran

Even after the Stuxnet computer worm became public, President Obama accelerated cyberattacks against Iran that had begun in the Bush administration, temporarily disabling 1,000 centrifuges.

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I generally stray from #politics , but this warrants attention. The United States Cyber Command ( #USCYBERCOM...

I generally stray from #politics , but this warrants attention. The United States Cyber Command ( #USCYBERCOM ) is far more capable than they have [until recently] been letting on. Bush ordered these unprecedentedly sophisticated attacks on #Iran , and Obama has accelerated them. #Stuxnet  was a complete and utter masterpiece, and #Flame  follows closely in its footsteps.

The implications of these actions are worrying at best -- escalating a soft war to these measures is pushing the boundaries of the modern legal system and I'm surprised there hasn't been a more formal declaration in light of the official news that the USA and Israel were responsible for the direct attacks on Iran's infrastructure.


Obama Ordered Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran

Even after the Stuxnet computer worm became public, President Obama accelerated cyberattacks against Iran that had begun in the Bush administration, temporarily disabling 1,000 centrifuges.

1 Replies

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I generally stray from #politics , but this warrants attention. The United States Cyber Command ( #USCYBERCOM...

I generally stray from #politics , but this warrants attention. The United States Cyber Command ( #USCYBERCOM ) is far more capable than they have [until recently] been letting on. Bush ordered these unprecedentedly sophisticated attacks on #Iran , and Obama has accelerated them. #Stuxnet  was a complete and utter masterpiece, and #Flame  follows closely in its footsteps.

The implications of these actions are worrying at best -- escalating a soft war to these measures is pushing the boundaries of the modern legal system and I'm surprised there hasn't been a more formal declaration in light of the official news that the USA and Israel were responsible for the direct attacks on Iran's infrastructure.


Obama Ordered Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran

Even after the Stuxnet computer worm became public, President Obama accelerated cyberattacks against Iran that had begun in the Bush administration, temporarily disabling 1,000 centrifuges.

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<span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="101988430320304538796">robby... in reply to

+robby Woodliff I agree 100%. The biggest problem now is that the movement is too diffuse in its goals. That doesn't work in a media-driven movement. You have to have a platform with well-defined points and achievable goals: small ones first, bigger ones for the more advanced stage of the movement.

E.g. Is this a protest against unemployment? Big banks? Political gridlock? Corporate greed? It can't be all of those things or else it's kind of like throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks.

My prediction is that in the next week or two we will all find out whether this has legs or not. I think if it does have legs, it will largely be because of the feeling of a majority of Americans that the System is broken. But that "having legs" part can only happen if we get down to defining a platform.

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I agree somewhat with the basic... in reply to

I agree somewhat with the basic idea that there is no UNIFIED message to the Occupy movement. Most people see this as its downfall. For me I see this differently.

I kind of like the non linear message that Occupy movement is doing as a social experiment that can go anywhere. To me this rivals virtue ethics which I believe to be the best form of ethics as it is based on an individual with a basic system of organization and some loose guidelines. It is based on some general guidelines "peaceful demonstrations, 99%, end corporate greed, bring humanity back to business, ect" , but each Occupy movement is unique. It seems to me that the movement is based on the context of the individual cities and bases of folks. For instance SLC, UT has not had any issues with the police or the media. Everyone has been nice and we have been well received around the city. Tis not like that everywhere. there are so many sociological issues and political issues for each location. I feel this has not been tried before. It is adaptable and changable so it bends before it breaks unlike the tea party which is super rigid. The Occupy movement does not have to alienate anyone, and it is based in cooperation. If any movement wants to get a rigid simple voice all they need to do is vote on it. For me this is suddle and genious. It forces everyone who is interested to think for themselves plus it works as a collective conscious snowball . For me this is the greatest part of the movemnet. What could be more free than "free thought". For me this Occupy movement is "free thought association in action". For me this is a liberating liberty one mind at a time. What do you think about this?

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Why I Don't Use Skype (and why you shouldn't, either)

I often get asked for my Skype address, sometimes in relation to business or casual conversation. I politely decline with some degree of hand-waving about my reasons, and suggest an alternative form of communication (typically either Google Talk or Google Hangouts, depending on the context—both are built right in to Gmail!). I'd like to outline some of the reasons why I've made the decision to avoid Skype, primarily so I have something to link to when someone asks me about it.

First and foremost, we don't really know what Skype actually does. The binary (the actual program you run on your computer) is obfuscated, so attempts at disassembling it [PDF] to verify some of its strange behavior and the information it is transmitting have so far come up with very little. This is an issue, because Skype produces encrypted traffic even when you are not actively using Skype. This means we can only speculate on what information Skype is collecting about you after you've so graciously chosen to install it, and perhaps more importantly who it is sending that information to.

Quoting Salman Baset:

When a Skype client is not in a call and is running on a machine with public IP address, it has on the average 4-8 active TCP connections and atleast one UDP connection.

While connecting to external IP addresses is normal for a server/client architecture and necessary for receiving notifications, the volume of traffic and number of connections is concerning, considering the compounding issues between Skype's peer-to-peer architecture [PDF] and the "reasonable level of detection accuracy" in snooping on voice calls in Skype [PDF], despite the [purportedly] encrypted nature of the Skype protocol.

Speaking in general terms, Skype is "black box" software which has undergone no public review despite very concerning observed behavior. When new Skype malware (like Skype IMBot, of which an analysis is available, or the more recent Skype account hijacking) is released, there are very few options to protect ourselves if we've got Skype installed. On Linux, tools like AppArmor and TOMOYO exist, but without the ability to easily view the source and understand the attack (per perhaps even fix it proactively, before it occurs) we are at the mercy of Skype's new maintainers to provide a timely resolution in a reactive approach.

If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web server, you're defenceless. You're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software.
— Richard Stallman
In conclusion, while Skype may be convenient, it presents a series of questions that must be asked and implications to be considered before choosing it over other chat, VoIP, and video chat solutions. I can only hope that more people consider these things before doing so.


Some of the other things I found interesting, more recently than the research I've linked in this post, include Skype's role in the Syrian conflict, in which a claim was made as follows:
A media activist in Idlib named Mohamed said a rebel informant working for the government was killed in Damascus six months ago after sending warnings to the Free Syrian Army on Skype. “I saw this incident right in front of my eyes,” Mohamed said. “We put his info on Skype so he was arrested and killed.”

Skype (Microsoft) has also made other concerning statements after accusations of helping the U.S. Government spy on its own citizens.

Wikipedia also lists a large number of known flaws in Skype, which I've chosen to avoid duplicating in this post.

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