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search results for programming

If you don't control the program,...

If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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If you don't control the program, the program controls you. Help support a mass-algorate society, in...

If you don't control the program, the program controls you.
Help support a mass-algorate society, in which everyone knows how to code, by signing your name at

“In the emerging, highly programmed landscape ahead, you will either create the software or you will be the software. It’s really that simple: Program, or be programmed. Choose the former, and you gain access to the control panel of civilization. Choose the latter, and it could be the last real choice you get to make.”
                                                                — +Douglas Rushkoff 

I've talked about the mass-algorate societies in the past [1], but this new non-profit foundation dedicated to growing computer programming education really shines with the support of +Mark Zuckerberg,, and +Eric Schmidt.  Take a look at the video and lend a hand in this endeavor!



What most schools don't teach

Learn about a new "superpower" that isn't being taught in in 90% of US schools. Starring Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,, Chris Bosh, Jack Dorsey, Ton...

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If you don't control the program, the program controls you. Help support a mass-algorate society, in...

If you don't control the program, the program controls you.
Help support a mass-algorate society, in which everyone knows how to code, by signing your name at

“In the emerging, highly programmed landscape ahead, you will either create the software or you will be the software. It’s really that simple: Program, or be programmed. Choose the former, and you gain access to the control panel of civilization. Choose the latter, and it could be the last real choice you get to make.”
                                                                — +Douglas Rushkoff 

I've talked about the mass-algorate societies in the past [1], but this new non-profit foundation dedicated to growing computer programming education really shines with the support of +Mark Zuckerberg,, and +Eric Schmidt.  Take a look at the video and lend a hand in this endeavor!



What most schools don't teach

Learn about a new "superpower" that isn't being taught in in 90% of US schools. Starring Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,, Chris Bosh, Jack Dorsey, Ton...

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If you don't control the program, the program controls you. Help support a mass-algorate society, in...

If you don't control the program, the program controls you.
Help support a mass-algorate society, in which everyone knows how to code, by signing your name at

“In the emerging, highly programmed landscape ahead, you will either create the software or you will be the software. It’s really that simple: Program, or be programmed. Choose the former, and you gain access to the control panel of civilization. Choose the latter, and it could be the last real choice you get to make.”
                                                                — +Douglas Rushkoff 

I've talked about the mass-algorate societies in the past [1], but this new non-profit foundation dedicated to growing computer programming education really shines with the support of +Mark Zuckerberg,, and +Eric Schmidt.  Take a look at the video and lend a hand in this endeavor!



What most schools don't teach

Learn about a new "superpower" that isn't being taught in in 90% of US schools. Starring Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,, Chris Bosh, Jack Dorsey, Ton...

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If you don't control the program, the program controls you. Help support a mass-algorate society, in...

If you don't control the program, the program controls you.
Help support a mass-algorate society, in which everyone knows how to code, by signing your name at

“In the emerging, highly programmed landscape ahead, you will either create the software or you will be the software. It’s really that simple: Program, or be programmed. Choose the former, and you gain access to the control panel of civilization. Choose the latter, and it could be the last real choice you get to make.”
                                                                — +Douglas Rushkoff 

I've talked about the mass-algorate societies in the past [1], but this new non-profit foundation dedicated to growing computer programming education really shines with the support of +Mark Zuckerberg,, and +Eric Schmidt.  Take a look at the video and lend a hand in this endeavor!



What most schools don't teach

Learn about a new "superpower" that isn't being taught in in 90% of US schools. Starring Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,, Chris Bosh, Jack Dorsey, Ton...

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Making the case for a mass-algorate society, in which we all know how to write code. I wholeheartedly...

Making the case for a mass-algorate society, in which we all know how to write code. I wholeheartedly agree.

Some resources:

Learning to Code
- Codecademy:
- Stanford's Online CS101 course with in-browser Javascript exercises:
- Learn You a Haskell:
- Project Euler:

- +Douglas Rushkoff's Program or Be Programmed: Program or Be Programmed by Douglas Rushkoff
- +Daniel Shiffman on Artful Programming:
- +John Graham-Cumming on Teaching Our Kids to Code:


Why we should teach our kids to code

There's a petition up on the British Government's e-petitions website, called "teach our kids to code". Despite being plugged by geek luminaries like Ben Goldacre, it's received barely a thousand sign...

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Making the case for a mass-algorate society, in which we all know how to write code. I wholeheartedly...

Making the case for a mass-algorate society, in which we all know how to write code. I wholeheartedly agree.

Some resources:

Learning to Code
- Codecademy:
- Stanford's Online CS101 course with in-browser Javascript exercises:
- Learn You a Haskell:
- Project Euler:

- +Douglas Rushkoff's Program or Be Programmed: Program or Be Programmed by Douglas Rushkoff
- +Daniel Shiffman on Artful Programming:
- +John Graham-Cumming on Teaching Our Kids to Code:


Why we should teach our kids to code

There's a petition up on the British Government's e-petitions website, called "teach our kids to code". Despite being plugged by geek luminaries like Ben Goldacre, it's received barely a thousand sign...

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Making the case for a mass-algorate society, in which we all know how to write code. I wholeheartedly...

Making the case for a mass-algorate society, in which we all know how to write code. I wholeheartedly agree.

Some resources:

Learning to Code
- Codecademy:
- Stanford's Online CS101 course with in-browser Javascript exercises:
- Learn You a Haskell:
- Project Euler:

- +Douglas Rushkoff's Program or Be Programmed: Program or Be Programmed by Douglas Rushkoff
- +Daniel Shiffman on Artful Programming:
- +John Graham-Cumming on Teaching Our Kids to Code:


Why we should teach our kids to code

There's a petition up on the British Government's e-petitions website, called "teach our kids to code". Despite being plugged by geek luminaries like Ben Goldacre, it's received barely a thousand sign...

7 Replies

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Making the case for a mass-algorate society, in which we all know how to write code. I wholeheartedly...

Making the case for a mass-algorate society, in which we all know how to write code. I wholeheartedly agree.

Some resources:

Learning to Code
- Codecademy:
- Stanford's Online CS101 course with in-browser Javascript exercises:
- Learn You a Haskell:
- Project Euler:

- +Douglas Rushkoff's Program or Be Programmed: Program or Be Programmed by Douglas Rushkoff
- +Daniel Shiffman on Artful Programming:
- +John Graham-Cumming on Teaching Our Kids to Code:


Why we should teach our kids to code

There's a petition up on the British Government's e-petitions website, called "teach our kids to code". Despite being plugged by geek luminaries like Ben Goldacre, it's received barely a thousand sign...

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Mac versus Linux

I had a pleasant conversation with a Mac fanboi, this morning.

(08:51:01 AM) Linux User: Do Macs come with an SSH server by default?
(08:51:12 AM) Mac User: bluh...huh?
(08:51:19 AM) Mac User: just woke up
(08:51:22 AM) Linux User: Oh, lol.
(08:51:26 AM) Linux User: Good morning, sunshine.
(08:51:30 AM) Mac User: lol
(08:51:40 AM) Linux User: I've been at work for an hour. ;P
(08:51:57 AM) Linux User: Anyways - does the default Mac have an SSH server?
(08:51:57 AM) Mac User: now...what are you babbling about?
(08:53:25 AM) Mac User: no, but ssh is supported for X11 apps
(08:54:22 AM) Mac User: ....x11 being the x window environment in the Mac OS
(08:54:47 AM) Linux User: Right.
(08:55:22 AM) Linux User: So - X11 applications can SSH to other locations?
(08:55:58 AM) Linux User: And - what's the Mac equivalent of a repository, and/or aptitude/apt-get/yum?
(08:56:01 AM) Mac User: I really don't know, I haven't messed with it
(08:56:12 AM) Mac User: what the fuck are those?
(08:56:46 AM) Linux User: I can go to the command line here, and say... "apt-get install " and it'll download and install that program from the repository.
(08:57:53 AM) Mac User: ...99% of Mac users don't go "Command-Line Commando" on their system....
(08:57:59 AM) Linux User: Also, if the program has any dependencies - it'll get those, too.
(08:58:00 AM) Mac User: so...enjoy that....
(08:58:11 AM) Linux User: Oh, it has a GUI, too.
(08:58:22 AM) Mac User: website?
(08:59:02 AM) Linux User: It's a core component, it doesn't particularly have its own site.
(08:59:22 AM) Linux User: Mac doesn't have an application finder and installer type thing?
(08:59:24 AM) Mac User: of what?
(08:59:27 AM) Mac User: no
(08:59:30 AM) Linux User: Weird.
(08:59:38 AM) Mac User: OMFG!!!! NO!!!! WHAT WILL I DO!???!?!?
(08:59:51 AM) Linux User: I was trying to install openssh-server on a friend's mac...
(08:59:57 AM) Mac User: y'all pc ppl always find the weirdest off-beat shit to pick at
(09:00:05 AM) Linux User: Mac's are PCs to, ho.
(09:00:16 AM) Linux User: Understand the word Personal Computer?
(09:00:21 AM) Mac User: uh, by the definition "personal computer" only
(09:00:38 AM) Linux User: PCs also don't have to run Microshaft.
(09:00:43 AM) Mac User: but be it known that a pc is a pc and a Mac is a Mac
(09:01:01 AM) Linux User: Considering Macs aren't "Macs" so much anymore, without the kooky PPC crap.
(09:01:10 AM) Mac User: ?
(09:01:42 AM) Linux User: They're regular PCs, now. I can install Windows on a Mac, I can install Plan9, MacOS, Linux.
(09:01:52 AM) Linux User: They don't use PPC anymore, right?
(09:02:05 AM) Mac User: you can't remove the Mac OS, though
(09:02:10 AM) Linux User: ...want to bet?
(09:02:13 AM) Mac User: yup
(09:02:16 AM) Mac User: go ahead
(09:02:20 AM) Linux User: LOL.
(09:02:31 AM) Mac User: remove the Mac OS, and then lemme know what you plan to do
(09:02:35 AM) Linux User: Anyways - MacBook pro - does it have more than one button?
(09:02:45 AM) Mac User: FUCK NO!!!!
(09:02:49 AM) Linux User: Alright, nevermind then.
(09:02:58 AM) Mac User: now, shoo
(09:02:59 AM) Linux User: I was going to buy one, because they're sexy.
(09:03:01 AM) Mac User: go buy a dell
(09:03:22 AM) Linux User: Dell is increasing their Linux support.
(09:03:23 AM) Linux User: :)
(09:05:19 AM) Mac User: that is to say that they now have some kind of linux support?
(09:05:52 AM) Linux User: They've always had Linux support, but it's been somewhat hidden.
(09:06:00 AM) Mac User: pphhhht
(09:06:12 AM) Linux User: They're increasing client awareness of the option, now.
(09:06:29 AM) Mac User: ya know, it really doesn't mean anything to me
(09:07:11 AM) Linux User: I was considering purchasing a Macbook and installing Ubuntu on it, for my laptop.
(09:07:25 AM) Mac User: I can run any other OS I want, should I happen to have a sudden drop in IQ, and my machine is pretty
(09:07:55 AM) Mac User: why would you buy a Mac to run something you can run on a dell?
(09:08:01 AM) Mac User: why?
(09:08:04 AM) Linux User: Because Macs are sexier?
(09:08:08 AM) Linux User: I don't want an ugly dell.
(09:08:23 AM) Mac User: uh, yeah, and at least half the "sexier" is in the GUI
(09:08:28 AM) Linux User: Not at all.
(09:08:35 AM) Linux User: My GUI is 100% more teh sex.
(09:08:45 AM) Mac User:
(09:08:47 AM) Mac User: um
(09:08:48 AM) Linux User:
(09:08:49 AM) Mac User: no
(09:08:51 AM) Linux User: :)
(09:09:05 AM) Linux User: You can't install Beryl or even Compiz in MacOS, can you?
(09:09:46 AM) Mac User: ooh....pretty....gimmicks.....
(09:10:08 AM) Linux User: Oh, is there an equivalent of workspaces in MacOS?
(09:10:17 AM) Mac User: in Leopard, yeah
(09:10:24 AM) Linux User: That's this next version, right?
(09:10:30 AM) Mac User: yizzur
(09:10:34 AM) Linux User: Awesome.
(09:10:43 AM) Mac User: "Spaces"
(09:10:49 AM) Linux User: Lol.
(09:10:59 AM) Linux User: We Linux folk have had that for years.
(09:11:00 AM) Mac User:
(09:11:01 AM) Linux User: But anyways.
(09:11:15 AM) Mac User: again....I don't care, and you're the only one who noticed
(09:11:34 AM) Linux User: LOL. Awesome argument. :x
(09:11:43 AM) Mac User: I don't argue anymore
(09:12:03 AM) Mac User: If you've bigoted yourself into using PC
(09:12:10 AM) Mac User: s, thats ur own fault
(09:12:44 AM) Linux User: Well, if I can't "uninstall MacOS" - or heaven forbid, order it without MacOS, like I can order most PCs without any OS, for a significant price reduction...
(09:12:49 AM) Linux User: It's not worth getting a Dell.
(09:12:52 AM) Linux User: Or any "PC".
(09:13:02 AM) Linux User: Or an Apple, for that matter.
(09:13:08 AM) Linux User: Dell, I can do that with, though.
(09:13:17 AM) Linux User: I share your Microsuck hatred.
(09:13:18 AM) Linux User: I really do.
(09:13:23 AM) Mac User: you make that sound like a feature
(09:13:24 AM) Linux User: But I also hate MacOS with a passion.
(09:13:32 AM) Mac User: for no reason
(09:13:37 AM) Linux User: No, for full reason.
(09:13:42 AM) Mac User: there's 2 sides of the fight, dude
(09:13:46 AM) Linux User: It's a *nix OS, without all the good stuff.
(09:13:48 AM) Mac User: Apple, and mico$ith
(09:13:57 AM) Linux User: Then there's Linux. ;D
(09:14:05 AM) Linux User: We're not part of the fight, we've already won.
(09:14:06 AM) Mac User: you're out in the woods trying to be a nonconformist
(09:14:22 AM) Linux User: Not at all, actually, I started using Linux because most of my friends were.
(09:14:23 AM) Linux User: :/
(09:14:28 AM) Mac User: yeah, 2% market share. WOO HOO!!!!
(09:14:36 AM) Linux User: 55% of the server share. :/
(09:14:48 AM) Linux User: I think it's above 60, actually?
(09:14:58 AM) Mac User:
(09:15:01 AM) Mac User: > you
(09:15:16 AM) Linux User: Why, exactly, would I run MacOS as a server? When I have Linux?
(09:15:23 AM) Linux User: You don't have a package manager (apt)
(09:15:40 AM) Linux User: apt-get install apache2 php mysql
(09:15:42 AM) Linux User: Done.
(09:15:48 AM) Mac User: you wouldn't
(09:15:58 AM) Mac User: and that's your business
(09:16:04 AM) Mac User: why are you talking to me again?
(09:16:20 AM) Mac User has signed off.

And that was him blocking me. Mac people really do think differently.

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If the camera produces a digital... in reply to

If the camera produces a digital file of the text then that would download to a program that translates text to the Braille program. The Duxbury Translater will take it to the braille embosser to print out.

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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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RT @martindale: If you don't control...

RT @martindale: If you don't control the program, the program controls you:


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I sometimes get mired in the... in reply to

I sometimes get mired in the monotony of programming work also. I have that obsessive nature that most scientists possess. This quote is true inspiration.
I had a moment like Feynman's recently while playing with my son's Duplo Legos. We started building these really big towers and so I went off on an architectural research tangent when he went to sleep. It had no functional end except to make better lego towers but damn it was fun. And as I was doing this I had an epiphany concerning my programming. So, in conclusion, more Legos!!!

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<span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="104973761519912571719">Christa... in reply to

+Christa Laser there's been a lot of attempts at visual programming over the years. none really took off in any major way. while such languages/systems might be effective to entice someone to start writing simple programs, they won't make them an effective engineer/developer.. The basic constructs in any language are really simple and easy for non-techies to grasp, however, its the algorithmic and data structures aspect that need study.

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Why I Don't Use Skype (and why you shouldn't, either)

I often get asked for my Skype address, sometimes in relation to business or casual conversation. I politely decline with some degree of hand-waving about my reasons, and suggest an alternative form of communication (typically either Google Talk or Google Hangouts, depending on the context—both are built right in to Gmail!). I'd like to outline some of the reasons why I've made the decision to avoid Skype, primarily so I have something to link to when someone asks me about it.

First and foremost, we don't really know what Skype actually does. The binary (the actual program you run on your computer) is obfuscated, so attempts at disassembling it [PDF] to verify some of its strange behavior and the information it is transmitting have so far come up with very little. This is an issue, because Skype produces encrypted traffic even when you are not actively using Skype. This means we can only speculate on what information Skype is collecting about you after you've so graciously chosen to install it, and perhaps more importantly who it is sending that information to.

Quoting Salman Baset:

When a Skype client is not in a call and is running on a machine with public IP address, it has on the average 4-8 active TCP connections and atleast one UDP connection.

While connecting to external IP addresses is normal for a server/client architecture and necessary for receiving notifications, the volume of traffic and number of connections is concerning, considering the compounding issues between Skype's peer-to-peer architecture [PDF] and the "reasonable level of detection accuracy" in snooping on voice calls in Skype [PDF], despite the [purportedly] encrypted nature of the Skype protocol.

Speaking in general terms, Skype is "black box" software which has undergone no public review despite very concerning observed behavior. When new Skype malware (like Skype IMBot, of which an analysis is available, or the more recent Skype account hijacking) is released, there are very few options to protect ourselves if we've got Skype installed. On Linux, tools like AppArmor and TOMOYO exist, but without the ability to easily view the source and understand the attack (per perhaps even fix it proactively, before it occurs) we are at the mercy of Skype's new maintainers to provide a timely resolution in a reactive approach.

If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web server, you're defenceless. You're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software.
— Richard Stallman
In conclusion, while Skype may be convenient, it presents a series of questions that must be asked and implications to be considered before choosing it over other chat, VoIP, and video chat solutions. I can only hope that more people consider these things before doing so.


Some of the other things I found interesting, more recently than the research I've linked in this post, include Skype's role in the Syrian conflict, in which a claim was made as follows:
A media activist in Idlib named Mohamed said a rebel informant working for the government was killed in Damascus six months ago after sending warnings to the Free Syrian Army on Skype. “I saw this incident right in front of my eyes,” Mohamed said. “We put his info on Skype so he was arrested and killed.”

Skype (Microsoft) has also made other concerning statements after accusations of helping the U.S. Government spy on its own citizens.

Wikipedia also lists a large number of known flaws in Skype, which I've chosen to avoid duplicating in this post.

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On the Ongoing Attacks between China, U.S., Russia, Israel, etc.… The latest round of evidence of ongoing...

On the Ongoing Attacks between China, U.S., Russia, Israel, etc.…
The latest round of evidence of ongoing digital warfare between the superpowers is now being reported in the N.Y. Times [1] after an undeniably incriminating 60-page report on the Chinese attacks on the U.S. by security firm Mandiant [2].

“Either they are coming from inside Unit 61398, or the people who run the most-controlled, most-monitored Internet networks in the world are clueless about thousands of people generating attacks from this one neighborhood.”
                                                    — Kevin Mandia

The report goes on to track individual participants in the attack, tracing them back to the headquarters of P.L.A. Unit 61398.

Attacks from the Chinese have been ongoing for many years, notably back to Operation Titan Rain [3] in 2003, in which attackers gained access to military intelligence networks at organizations such as Lockheed Martin, Sandia National Laboratories, Redstone Arsenal, and NASA [4].  Direct military targets were also included in the assault, such as the U.S. Army Information Systems Engineering Command at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, the Defense Information Systems Agency in Arlington, Virginia, the Naval Ocean Systems Center, a Defense Department installation in San Diego, California, and the U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense installation in Huntsville, Alabama [5]. 

These ongoing attacks are labeled "Advanced Persistent Threats" or "APT" by the American Military, are considered acts of war by both the White House [6] and the Department of Defense [7] as far back as 2011, and are not unique to the Chinese origins.  You may remember the 2007 attacks on Estonia [8], which has been attributed to entities within Russian territory operating with the assistance of the Russian government [9].  These attacks disabled a wide array of Estonian government sites, rendering services in the world's most digitally-connected country unusable.  The attacks also disabled ATM machines, effectively disabling some portion of the Estonian economy.

The United States [and arguably Israel, [10]] have also been actively participating in these attacks [11] with the deploying of FLAME and Stuxnet against Iran, which made international headlines this past year when the coordinated efforts of the tools were used to disable Iranian nuclear centrifuges in an attempt to slow their progress in their nuclear program [12].  These efforts are ongoing, with the latest addition of the Gauss and Duqu malwares [13] continuing to target middle-eastern countries.

“From his first months in office, President Obama secretly ordered increasingly sophisticated attacks on the computer systems that run Iran’s main nuclear enrichment facilities, significantly expanding America’s first sustained use of cyberweapons, according to participants in the program.”
                                                    — +The New York Times

Obama reportedly went on to sign a classified directive last year [14] enabling the government to seize control of private networks, and the 2012 NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) includes terms [15, section 954] that authorize offensive attacks on foreign threats [16].  The official United States policy already is to deem any cyberattack on the U.S. as an "act of war" [17], and it looks like these types of actions and attacks have already been made legal.

While it may once have been a subject of fiction [18], it's now and has been a harsh reality that we're in the middle of a new era in warfare, and the battles are already well-underway as countries around the world are openly engaging in offensive attacks on one another that are impacting economies on a massive scale.  I don't know what else to call this other than a world war—even the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI) predicted this [19], as have many others even earlier [20].  

Here's a thought; if our constitution gives us the right to bear arms, and the government deems these types of attacks as acts of war, then isn't it our right to keep and bear these arms?  Yet another case for a mass-algorate society [21], which Mr. Obama appears to agree with me on [22], at the very least.



China’s Army Is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against U.S.

An overwhelming percentage of the attacks on American companies and government agencies start in a building on the edge of Shanghai, say cybersecurity experts and American intelligence officials.

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On the Ongoing Attacks between China, U.S., Russia, Israel, etc.… The latest round of evidence of ongoing...

On the Ongoing Attacks between China, U.S., Russia, Israel, etc.…
The latest round of evidence of ongoing digital warfare between the superpowers is now being reported in the N.Y. Times [1] after an undeniably incriminating 60-page report on the Chinese attacks on the U.S. by security firm Mandiant [2].

“Either they are coming from inside Unit 61398, or the people who run the most-controlled, most-monitored Internet networks in the world are clueless about thousands of people generating attacks from this one neighborhood.”
                                                    — Kevin Mandia

The report goes on to track individual participants in the attack, tracing them back to the headquarters of P.L.A. Unit 61398.

Attacks from the Chinese have been ongoing for many years, notably back to Operation Titan Rain [3] in 2003, in which attackers gained access to military intelligence networks at organizations such as Lockheed Martin, Sandia National Laboratories, Redstone Arsenal, and NASA [4].  Direct military targets were also included in the assault, such as the U.S. Army Information Systems Engineering Command at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, the Defense Information Systems Agency in Arlington, Virginia, the Naval Ocean Systems Center, a Defense Department installation in San Diego, California, and the U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense installation in Huntsville, Alabama [5]. 

These ongoing attacks are labeled "Advanced Persistent Threats" or "APT" by the American Military, are considered acts of war by both the White House [6] and the Department of Defense [7] as far back as 2011, and are not unique to the Chinese origins.  You may remember the 2007 attacks on Estonia [8], which has been attributed to entities within Russian territory operating with the assistance of the Russian government [9].  These attacks disabled a wide array of Estonian government sites, rendering services in the world's most digitally-connected country unusable.  The attacks also disabled ATM machines, effectively disabling some portion of the Estonian economy.

The United States [and arguably Israel, [10]] have also been actively participating in these attacks [11] with the deploying of FLAME and Stuxnet against Iran, which made international headlines this past year when the coordinated efforts of the tools were used to disable Iranian nuclear centrifuges in an attempt to slow their progress in their nuclear program [12].  These efforts are ongoing, with the latest addition of the Gauss and Duqu malwares [13] continuing to target middle-eastern countries.

“From his first months in office, President Obama secretly ordered increasingly sophisticated attacks on the computer systems that run Iran’s main nuclear enrichment facilities, significantly expanding America’s first sustained use of cyberweapons, according to participants in the program.”
                                                    — +The New York Times

Obama reportedly went on to sign a classified directive last year [14] enabling the government to seize control of private networks, and the 2012 NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) includes terms [15, section 954] that authorize offensive attacks on foreign threats [16].  The official United States policy already is to deem any cyberattack on the U.S. as an "act of war" [17], and it looks like these types of actions and attacks have already been made legal.

While it may once have been a subject of fiction [18], it's now and has been a harsh reality that we're in the middle of a new era in warfare, and the battles are already well-underway as countries around the world are openly engaging in offensive attacks on one another that are impacting economies on a massive scale.  I don't know what else to call this other than a world war—even the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI) predicted this [19], as have many others even earlier [20].  

Here's a thought; if our constitution gives us the right to bear arms, and the government deems these types of attacks as acts of war, then isn't it our right to keep and bear these arms?  Yet another case for a mass-algorate society [21], which Mr. Obama appears to agree with me on [22], at the very least.



China’s Army Is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against U.S.

An overwhelming percentage of the attacks on American companies and government agencies start in a building on the edge of Shanghai, say cybersecurity experts and American intelligence officials.

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On the Ongoing Attacks between China, U.S., Russia, Israel, etc.… The latest round of evidence of ongoing...

On the Ongoing Attacks between China, U.S., Russia, Israel, etc.…
The latest round of evidence of ongoing digital warfare between the superpowers is now being reported in the N.Y. Times [1] after an undeniably incriminating 60-page report on the Chinese attacks on the U.S. by security firm Mandiant [2].

“Either they are coming from inside Unit 61398, or the people who run the most-controlled, most-monitored Internet networks in the world are clueless about thousands of people generating attacks from this one neighborhood.”
                                                    — Kevin Mandia

The report goes on to track individual participants in the attack, tracing them back to the headquarters of P.L.A. Unit 61398.

Attacks from the Chinese have been ongoing for many years, notably back to Operation Titan Rain [3] in 2003, in which attackers gained access to military intelligence networks at organizations such as Lockheed Martin, Sandia National Laboratories, Redstone Arsenal, and NASA [4].  Direct military targets were also included in the assault, such as the U.S. Army Information Systems Engineering Command at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, the Defense Information Systems Agency in Arlington, Virginia, the Naval Ocean Systems Center, a Defense Department installation in San Diego, California, and the U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense installation in Huntsville, Alabama [5]. 

These ongoing attacks are labeled "Advanced Persistent Threats" or "APT" by the American Military, are considered acts of war by both the White House [6] and the Department of Defense [7] as far back as 2011, and are not unique to the Chinese origins.  You may remember the 2007 attacks on Estonia [8], which has been attributed to entities within Russian territory operating with the assistance of the Russian government [9].  These attacks disabled a wide array of Estonian government sites, rendering services in the world's most digitally-connected country unusable.  The attacks also disabled ATM machines, effectively disabling some portion of the Estonian economy.

The United States [and arguably Israel, [10]] have also been actively participating in these attacks [11] with the deploying of FLAME and Stuxnet against Iran, which made international headlines this past year when the coordinated efforts of the tools were used to disable Iranian nuclear centrifuges in an attempt to slow their progress in their nuclear program [12].  These efforts are ongoing, with the latest addition of the Gauss and Duqu malwares [13] continuing to target middle-eastern countries.

“From his first months in office, President Obama secretly ordered increasingly sophisticated attacks on the computer systems that run Iran’s main nuclear enrichment facilities, significantly expanding America’s first sustained use of cyberweapons, according to participants in the program.”
                                                    — +The New York Times

Obama reportedly went on to sign a classified directive last year [14] enabling the government to seize control of private networks, and the 2012 NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) includes terms [15, section 954] that authorize offensive attacks on foreign threats [16].  The official United States policy already is to deem any cyberattack on the U.S. as an "act of war" [17], and it looks like these types of actions and attacks have already been made legal.

While it may once have been a subject of fiction [18], it's now and has been a harsh reality that we're in the middle of a new era in warfare, and the battles are already well-underway as countries around the world are openly engaging in offensive attacks on one another that are impacting economies on a massive scale.  I don't know what else to call this other than a world war—even the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI) predicted this [19], as have many others even earlier [20].  

Here's a thought; if our constitution gives us the right to bear arms, and the government deems these types of attacks as acts of war, then isn't it our right to keep and bear these arms?  Yet another case for a mass-algorate society [21], which Mr. Obama appears to agree with me on [22], at the very least.



China’s Army Is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against U.S.

An overwhelming percentage of the attacks on American companies and government agencies start in a building on the edge of Shanghai, say cybersecurity experts and American intelligence officials.

6 Replies

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On the Ongoing Attacks between China, U.S., Russia, Israel, etc.… The latest round of evidence of ongoing...

On the Ongoing Attacks between China, U.S., Russia, Israel, etc.…
The latest round of evidence of ongoing digital warfare between the superpowers is now being reported in the N.Y. Times [1] after an undeniably incriminating 60-page report on the Chinese attacks on the U.S. by security firm Mandiant [2].

“Either they are coming from inside Unit 61398, or the people who run the most-controlled, most-monitored Internet networks in the world are clueless about thousands of people generating attacks from this one neighborhood.”
                                                    — Kevin Mandia

The report goes on to track individual participants in the attack, tracing them back to the headquarters of P.L.A. Unit 61398.

Attacks from the Chinese have been ongoing for many years, notably back to Operation Titan Rain [3] in 2003, in which attackers gained access to military intelligence networks at organizations such as Lockheed Martin, Sandia National Laboratories, Redstone Arsenal, and NASA [4].  Direct military targets were also included in the assault, such as the U.S. Army Information Systems Engineering Command at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, the Defense Information Systems Agency in Arlington, Virginia, the Naval Ocean Systems Center, a Defense Department installation in San Diego, California, and the U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense installation in Huntsville, Alabama [5]. 

These ongoing attacks are labeled "Advanced Persistent Threats" or "APT" by the American Military, are considered acts of war by both the White House [6] and the Department of Defense [7] as far back as 2011, and are not unique to the Chinese origins.  You may remember the 2007 attacks on Estonia [8], which has been attributed to entities within Russian territory operating with the assistance of the Russian government [9].  These attacks disabled a wide array of Estonian government sites, rendering services in the world's most digitally-connected country unusable.  The attacks also disabled ATM machines, effectively disabling some portion of the Estonian economy.

The United States [and arguably Israel, [10]] have also been actively participating in these attacks [11] with the deploying of FLAME and Stuxnet against Iran, which made international headlines this past year when the coordinated efforts of the tools were used to disable Iranian nuclear centrifuges in an attempt to slow their progress in their nuclear program [12].  These efforts are ongoing, with the latest addition of the Gauss and Duqu malwares [13] continuing to target middle-eastern countries.

“From his first months in office, President Obama secretly ordered increasingly sophisticated attacks on the computer systems that run Iran’s main nuclear enrichment facilities, significantly expanding America’s first sustained use of cyberweapons, according to participants in the program.”
                                                    — +The New York Times

Obama reportedly went on to sign a classified directive last year [14] enabling the government to seize control of private networks, and the 2012 NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) includes terms [15, section 954] that authorize offensive attacks on foreign threats [16].  The official United States policy already is to deem any cyberattack on the U.S. as an "act of war" [17], and it looks like these types of actions and attacks have already been made legal.

While it may once have been a subject of fiction [18], it's now and has been a harsh reality that we're in the middle of a new era in warfare, and the battles are already well-underway as countries around the world are openly engaging in offensive attacks on one another that are impacting economies on a massive scale.  I don't know what else to call this other than a world war—even the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI) predicted this [19], as have many others even earlier [20].  

Here's a thought; if our constitution gives us the right to bear arms, and the government deems these types of attacks as acts of war, then isn't it our right to keep and bear these arms?  Yet another case for a mass-algorate society [21], which Mr. Obama appears to agree with me on [22], at the very least.



China’s Army Is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against U.S.

An overwhelming percentage of the attacks on American companies and government agencies start in a building on the edge of Shanghai, say cybersecurity experts and American intelligence officials.

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I tried that program for my... in reply to

I tried that program for my iPhone... it didn't have anything useful for Anatomy and Physiology, Algebra, etc.

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So true. I just commented on... in reply to

So true. I just commented on a podcast I host about how I feel sort of missing out by not programming, but doing other stuff that is culturally relevant like the YouTube surge.

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My 15 year old is taking... in reply to

My 15 year old is taking programming/coding as his elective at school. He's learning Java and uh... Python? Something like that.

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it had an awesome idea that... in reply to

it had an awesome idea that seemed hardcoded to me. If it was programmed to think about what you wanted to know, it was an awesome resource.

It will be awesome, i'll have to dig into this.

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I sometimes feel the same way... in reply to

I sometimes feel the same way about programming. It's not as fun anymore as it once was, and I'm determined to make it fun again. But at the same time I also need to make a living...

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I&#39;m a female developer and I... in reply to

I'm a female developer and I program in Ada as well, which is named after Ada Lovelace :D

I wish more girls would start doing science and technology... we're generally very good at it :)

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Really like this post. I&#39;m... in reply to

Really like this post. I'm a programmer without the academic degree, having only programmed for my own personal use as a hobby for 10+ years over 3 different languages. Only now considering getting a job in it. I never would've thought to put some of my work on GitHub.

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What <span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href=""... in reply to

What +Toby Horn said. It sure would have been a whole lot better than blasting through any programming book I could get my hands on all by myself.

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...brilliant, <span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href=""... in reply to

...brilliant, +Al Ebnereza!  From now on, every day on Ada Lovelace day, I'll write a program in Ada.

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Nice write-up from @ScalingBitcoin Program Chair...

Nice write-up from @ScalingBitcoin Program Chair @TheBlueMatt: “This year, [...] we received no submissions related…


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Here&#39;s the first MIT lecture <a... in reply to

Here's the first MIT lecture Lec 1 | MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008
+AmyLynn Arrington maybe because Python is executable pseudo code.

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<span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="101083409996291093741">AmyLynn... in reply to

+AmyLynn Arrington you could try where there is a course on making a search engine which will also teach python. Or you can check out MIT OCW Introduction to Programming video lectures on YT. And then there it for Ruby

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Of course it doesn&#39;t tell you... in reply to

Of course it doesn't tell you who wrote Flame. The NYT article tells you that. But how is that relevant? The cryptography aspect of it is part and parcel of the whole program. Without it, the operation could not have succeeded. Tell me, what rogue hacker has the capacity to develop his own collision attack cryptography--never before seen anywhere else--to conduct this operation. Mind you one that has specific interests in Iran. No matter how you twist it, you're still being delusional dude.

Given the number of classified patents the US publishes, especially in the field of cryptography, the most likely culprit is the NSA, the largest employer of mathematicians in the world.

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<span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="102714791889380993079">Darryl... in reply to

+Darryl Barnes “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”

Robert A. Heinlein

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Interesting blog post, He seems pretty... in reply to

Interesting blog post, He seems pretty angry about it all and while I agree that a deeper understanding is needed for some programming tasks, other just need you to crank out code. Could be wrong but I think people use to argue that Java wasn't scalable either... it evolved and every bank in the country seems to think its the only language out there now. It scales now even though it could have been reasonably debated back in 2001 when it was slow and immature.

What it really comes down to is that a huge majority of software is ephemeral, give it 2-3 years and it will be rewritten not because the code has any real problems but, technology has changed along with the business requirements. Things move change, don't build a cathedral when a bazaar will exceed the requirements.

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This post just went up on GitHub's blog, showing some action-steps they're taking to help us move towards...

This post just went up on GitHub's blog, showing some action-steps they're taking to help us move towards a mass-algorate society. They're hosting a CoderDojo class for kids aged 7 to 18 in the San Francisco area. How cool is that? #education

“Sit back, close your eyes, and think about how good you are at coding. Man, you're awesome. When did you learn how to be so awesome? Now just think how awesome you would be if you had learned how to code when you were seven years old.”

How can we engage our children in learning how to program?

I can't find the author (Cameron Mcefee) or GitHub on Google+, so I can't tag them. Sadface.


Kids are the future. Teach 'em to code. - GitHub

GitHub hosts code classes for kids with CoderDojo

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This post just went up on GitHub's blog, showing some action-steps they're taking to help us move towards...

This post just went up on GitHub's blog, showing some action-steps they're taking to help us move towards a mass-algorate society. They're hosting a CoderDojo class for kids aged 7 to 18 in the San Francisco area. How cool is that? #education

“Sit back, close your eyes, and think about how good you are at coding. Man, you're awesome. When did you learn how to be so awesome? Now just think how awesome you would be if you had learned how to code when you were seven years old.”

How can we engage our children in learning how to program?

I can't find the author (Cameron Mcefee) or GitHub on Google+, so I can't tag them. Sadface.


Kids are the future. Teach 'em to code. - GitHub

GitHub hosts code classes for kids with CoderDojo

1 Replies

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This post just went up on GitHub's blog, showing some action-steps they're taking to help us move towards...

This post just went up on GitHub's blog, showing some action-steps they're taking to help us move towards a mass-algorate society. They're hosting a CoderDojo class for kids aged 7 to 18 in the San Francisco area. How cool is that? #education

“Sit back, close your eyes, and think about how good you are at coding. Man, you're awesome. When did you learn how to be so awesome? Now just think how awesome you would be if you had learned how to code when you were seven years old.”

How can we engage our children in learning how to program?

I can't find the author (Cameron Mcefee) or GitHub on Google+, so I can't tag them. Sadface.


Kids are the future. Teach 'em to code. - GitHub

GitHub hosts code classes for kids with CoderDojo

5 Replies

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This post just went up on GitHub's blog, showing some action-steps they're taking to help us move towards...

This post just went up on GitHub's blog, showing some action-steps they're taking to help us move towards a mass-algorate society. They're hosting a CoderDojo class for kids aged 7 to 18 in the San Francisco area. How cool is that? #education

“Sit back, close your eyes, and think about how good you are at coding. Man, you're awesome. When did you learn how to be so awesome? Now just think how awesome you would be if you had learned how to code when you were seven years old.”

How can we engage our children in learning how to program?

I can't find the author (Cameron Mcefee) or GitHub on Google+, so I can't tag them. Sadface.


Kids are the future. Teach 'em to code. - GitHub

GitHub hosts code classes for kids with CoderDojo

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David, that is an excellent example.... in reply to

David, that is an excellent example. But the real problem as I see it is this device is converting apples to oranges, and that's hard/impossible to do well & consistently & for everyone. What you see with your eyes and interpret into your own internal thought process, and what you read from a description written by a program (and influenced by that programmers perspective and interpretation of the world as he perceives it) are very different things.
One person will emphasize the color hue and saturation over the geometry and spatial composition of the image. Others will focus on details like what brand names are on the shirts, what landmarks are visible or implied, etc.
The descriptions look pretty sterilized and minimal, but once again...where is the real value.
I'm willing to concede that this has value for the visually impaired to some degree, but I don't see it as a revolutionary advance. It's more like a neat gimmick than the next big thing.

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PHP5, Scraping, and XPath

I've been building a scraper using PHP5 and the newly added XPath functionality. The idea here, as an exercise in programming, is to scrape complete records from Google Maps, including name, address, and phone number.

Here's a snippet of what I've been trying to do. This probably isn't the best approach, but I can't quite figure out how to pull a child of a resulting element, PHP is forever returning an error when I try to use firstchild.

//start our result counter
$i = 0;
//try setting higher than 1000
while ($i < 1000)
//show status so we don't get lost
echo "Currently extracting data from records ".$i." through ".($i + 10)."...";

$raw = new domdocument;
$clean = new domdocument;

//special to Google
$url = ''.$what.'&near='.$where.'&view=text&start='.$i."&radius=".$radius;


$HTML = $raw->saveHTML();

$xpath = new domxpath($clean);
$xNodes = $clean->getElementsByTagName('td');

foreach ($xNodes as $xNode)
if ($xNode->getAttribute('valign') == "top")
//echo $xNode->nodeValue."\n";
$output .= $xNode->nodeValue."";

echo "...done\n";

//add to our counter
//10 results per page, so we add 10
$i = $i + 10;


//fix bugged double comma, can't figure out where this is happening
$output = preg_replace("/,,/",",",$output);

$somecontent = make_csv(strip_non_ascii($output));
echo $somecontent;

There's a bit of extra and unrelated code here, but that's the basic process I'm using.

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October 16th is Ada Lovelace Day,...

October 16th is Ada Lovelace Day, in which we celebrate women's achievements in science, technology, engineering, and math. Ada Lovelace is heralded as the first computer programmer, writing programs (calculating Bernoulli Numbers) for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine as early as 1843 [1]. One of the most prominent mathematicians at the time, August de Morgan, had impressive things to say about her abilities, “which would require all the strength of a man's constitution to bear” [2], and Babbage himself highlighted her prowess over other contemporaries to Faraday, the legendary English scientist, in a succinct personal correspondence [3]. I've included a transcription of her work [4], showing just how thorough and detailed she was. It's important to take a moment to note some of the other women who have made significant contributions to the advancement of society over the years. One of my favorites is Marie Curie, seen in this photo as the only women to appear alongside the intellectual powerhouse that assembled for the Solvay Conference in 1927. Seated between physicists Planck and Lorentz, she is in good company along with the likes of Einstein and Heisenberg. Curie remains, to this day, the only person to have ever won a Nobel Prize in multiple sciences. [5] Here are a couple other notable women that deserve recognition: - Gertrude Belle Elion (biochemist): Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1988. [6] Gertrude invented an incredible swathe of drugs using innovative new research methods [7], including the first treatment for leukemia. [8] - Jane Goodall (primatologist): outstanding achievement in anthropology through her incredible 45-year field study of wild chimpanzees [9] which has wildly changed the school of thought in regards to man's connection to primates. Goodall has been a role model of mine since I first encountered her and her work as a child reading National Geographic Magazine. Instead of letting today pass only remembering one woman's contributions, take a moment to share your story and your female role model. [10] So, what women do you revere in science, technology, engineering, or maths? #AdaLovelaceDay #STEM [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: Holloway, M. (1991) Profile: Gertrude Belle Elion – The Satisfaction of Delayed Gratification, Scientific American 265(4), 40-44. [8]: [9]: [10]:


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People's fonts in messengers.  What the hell?

I'm using Gaim, a program that allows me full control over any messenger I use, and keeps them all within the same window.  (AIM, MSN... all in one buddy list, plus all the messages can come in the same window, tabbed. =D  )  I've used a feature within Gaim to ignore people's font sizes, because it's annoying to read a size 6 font on even something like 1024 x 768 resolution, let alone anything above that.  So here comes this message, in a nice loopy font that makes me scoot so damned close to the monitor that I can actually see the pixels.  That's fine, I can deal with it.   But then as I cross the distance from my normal resting position in my chair to about 12 inches from the monitor, I notice that the text is written in a light grey color on a white background.  Ugh, what is this crap?  Pick on Eric day?

Oh no, wait... I get it.  It's all part of this "individuality" thing.  You know, when people are referred to as things like "xXx  PWRLVL  xXx"  and  "§Φ¶ђỉ€".  And their profiles say things like " wishing upon a star, i wished for a happy ending<3 ".  What kind of individual are you when you can be grouped with everyone else who does these 'emo' and 'punk' and 'jock' and 'rocker' and 'metal' things.  I guess you are ALL now considered IM culture whores.  Every single one of you who habitually check profiles, update their myspaces, have myspaces, and block people for a second time (or more) on a regular basis... are IM culture whores.  All of you.

Sure, it's all good when you disregard your shift key to actually capitalize things...  but it's bad when you leave CAPS LOCK ON AND YOU TYPE LIKE THIS.  It's even worse  when u type lik this and decide 2 substitute things so u dont hav 2 type so much.  At the very least, learn to type in proper English, you morons.

Eric Martindale
IT Professional
Admin of

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As a corporate business insider I... in reply to

As a corporate business insider I can offer a perspective from the "enemy's" den. Many people agree that this movement has gained momentum and has the potential to become as big or bigger than the Tea Party Movement. I grew up in the same generation as many of those protesting today and I understand the innuendo behind Anonymous, I understand point being made by the zombies, and I understand what general sense of anger is meant for. However, keep in mind that you are generally a younger generation trying to speak to an industry dominated mostly by an older generation of people. To these people this movement appears random, chaotic, and annoying simply because they don't even know what this movement's demands or goals are. Indeed for almost all of September I don't think Wall Street even understood exactly what they were protesting, and just recently have they gotten some kind of vague idea as to what these people want done. Most people relate these types of sit-in's to hippies from their generation and view them as more of an unorganized annoyance. To my friends who I work with in NYC, comments I hear from them are to this effect (I am summarizing several people's opinions as one): "It's just stupid, they block traffic and cause trouble nearby. We have to exit buildings from completely the opposite side now just to avoid them if we're wearing a suit regardless of our purpose. No one is there during the day but all of a sudden they pop up during rush hour. They wreck local businesses and drive customers away. The corporations they protest are unaffected but the small businesses nearby are the ones they are actually hurting. We don't even know what they want."

My bosses have gone to meetings with Bernanke and Geithner it is unclear still whether these protests will actually have any influence over policy. At an executive level they still appear confused as to how to handle situation, mostly because they do not understand it. But understand this, from their perspective they have changed the following: In terms of big banks, their balance sheets have been improved light years beyond where they were in 2008 with more liquidity and more capital on hand to prevent these types of shocks to the system. They have repaid any tax dollars received and are often significantly more efficient at implementing change than the government is in making up it's mind on what to do. The majority of issues occurs because of the indecisiveness in Washington. Think about these issues: 12 people are tasked with cutting $1.7 Trillion in the next 5 weeks -- The only way that is going to happen is if they cut large dollar programs. That means Healthcare, medicare, social security, and of course military but that is even less politically viable than the other three. There is also gridlock on what will happen with the tax system in the future. Those main issues where indecisiveness has been are also some of the largest possible expenses a corporation could have. How do plan for variable expenses that could go up or down by 50% in EITHER direction? Corporations have no idea how to plan for healthcare, medicare, or social security plans for their employees because there is no decisiveness on what will occur in the future. They do not want to hire people that they cannot afford to keep a year later because of law changes. So even if they have the money for it now (which they do), they are unable to hire because of the risk of causing liquidity issues later and the massive negative PR associated with hiring and then firing. These banks also receive criticism for not lending money out, but this is not their fault. They ARE lending money out, but there is no demand. It is not supply side issues, there is plenty of money out there to be had. You can get a loan today no problem, don't believe me? Go try it at any bank you want. There is just no one who wants to take a loan. So all that free capital that we spent 3 years trying to push into banks is now stuck there.

This issue is not business related anymore. It is purely political. My above statements are not to absolve corporations of responsibility in 2008, but they are more to explain the current situation here and now. Europe is a whole other book to write about another time.

In a world where politicians and talking heads can call the greatest capitalist of our time Warren Buffett a socialist, and get away with it as "news" is the real issue at hand.

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October 16th is Ada Lovelace Day, in which we celebrate women's achievements in science, technology,...

October 16th is Ada Lovelace Day, in which we celebrate women's achievements in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Ada Lovelace is heralded as the first computer programmer, writing programs (calculating Bernoulli Numbers) for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine as early as 1843 [1].  One of the most prominent mathematicians at the time, August de Morgan, had impressive things to say about her abilities, “which would require all the strength of a man's constitution to bear” [2], and Babbage himself highlighted her prowess over other contemporaries to Faraday, the legendary English scientist, in a succinct personal correspondence [3].  I've included a transcription of her work [4], showing just how thorough and detailed she was.

It's important to take a moment to note some of the other women who have made significant contributions to the advancement of society over the years.  One of my favorites is Marie Curie, seen in this photo as the only women to appear alongside the intellectual powerhouse that assembled for the Solvay Conference in 1927.  Seated between physicists Planck and Lorentz, she is in good company along with the likes of Einstein and Heisenberg.

Curie remains, to this day, the only person to have ever won a Nobel Prize in multiple sciences. [5]

Here are a couple other notable women that deserve recognition:
- Gertrude Belle Elion (biochemist): Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1988. [6]  Gertrude invented an incredible swathe of drugs using innovative new research methods [7], including the first treatment for leukemia. [8]
- Jane Goodall (primatologist): outstanding achievement in anthropology through her incredible 45-year field study of wild chimpanzees [9] which has wildly changed the school of thought in regards to man's connection to primates.  Goodall has been a role model of mine since I first encountered her and her work as a child reading National Geographic Magazine.

Instead of letting today pass only remembering one woman's contributions, take a moment to share your story and your female role model. [10]

So, what women do you revere in science, technology, engineering, or maths?

#AdaLovelaceDay   #STEM  

[7]: Holloway, M. (1991) Profile: Gertrude Belle Elion – The Satisfaction of Delayed Gratification, Scientific American 265(4), 40-44.


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October 16th is Ada Lovelace Day, in which we celebrate women's achievements in science, technology,...

October 16th is Ada Lovelace Day, in which we celebrate women's achievements in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Ada Lovelace is heralded as the first computer programmer, writing programs (calculating Bernoulli Numbers) for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine as early as 1843 [1].  One of the most prominent mathematicians at the time, August de Morgan, had impressive things to say about her abilities, “which would require all the strength of a man's constitution to bear” [2], and Babbage himself highlighted her prowess over other contemporaries to Faraday, the legendary English scientist, in a succinct personal correspondence [3].  I've included a transcription of her work [4], showing just how thorough and detailed she was.

It's important to take a moment to note some of the other women who have made significant contributions to the advancement of society over the years.  One of my favorites is Marie Curie, seen in this photo as the only women to appear alongside the intellectual powerhouse that assembled for the Solvay Conference in 1927.  Seated between physicists Planck and Lorentz, she is in good company along with the likes of Einstein and Heisenberg.

Curie remains, to this day, the only person to have ever won a Nobel Prize in multiple sciences. [5]

Here are a couple other notable women that deserve recognition:
- Gertrude Belle Elion (biochemist): Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1988. [6]  Gertrude invented an incredible swathe of drugs using innovative new research methods [7], including the first treatment for leukemia. [8]
- Jane Goodall (primatologist): outstanding achievement in anthropology through her incredible 45-year field study of wild chimpanzees [9] which has wildly changed the school of thought in regards to man's connection to primates.  Goodall has been a role model of mine since I first encountered her and her work as a child reading National Geographic Magazine.

Instead of letting today pass only remembering one woman's contributions, take a moment to share your story and your female role model. [10]

So, what women do you revere in science, technology, engineering, or maths?

#AdaLovelaceDay   #STEM  

[7]: Holloway, M. (1991) Profile: Gertrude Belle Elion – The Satisfaction of Delayed Gratification, Scientific American 265(4), 40-44.


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October 16th is Ada Lovelace Day, in which we celebrate women's achievements in science, technology,...

October 16th is Ada Lovelace Day, in which we celebrate women's achievements in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Ada Lovelace is heralded as the first computer programmer, writing programs (calculating Bernoulli Numbers) for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine as early as 1843 [1].  One of the most prominent mathematicians at the time, August de Morgan, had impressive things to say about her abilities, “which would require all the strength of a man's constitution to bear” [2], and Babbage himself highlighted her prowess over other contemporaries to Faraday, the legendary English scientist, in a succinct personal correspondence [3].  I've included a transcription of her work [4], showing just how thorough and detailed she was.

It's important to take a moment to note some of the other women who have made significant contributions to the advancement of society over the years.  One of my favorites is Marie Curie, seen in this photo as the only women to appear alongside the intellectual powerhouse that assembled for the Solvay Conference in 1927.  Seated between physicists Planck and Lorentz, she is in good company along with the likes of Einstein and Heisenberg.

Curie remains, to this day, the only person to have ever won a Nobel Prize in multiple sciences. [5]

Here are a couple other notable women that deserve recognition:
- Gertrude Belle Elion (biochemist): Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1988. [6]  Gertrude invented an incredible swathe of drugs using innovative new research methods [7], including the first treatment for leukemia. [8]
- Jane Goodall (primatologist): outstanding achievement in anthropology through her incredible 45-year field study of wild chimpanzees [9] which has wildly changed the school of thought in regards to man's connection to primates.  Goodall has been a role model of mine since I first encountered her and her work as a child reading National Geographic Magazine.

Instead of letting today pass only remembering one woman's contributions, take a moment to share your story and your female role model. [10]

So, what women do you revere in science, technology, engineering, or maths?

#AdaLovelaceDay   #STEM  

[7]: Holloway, M. (1991) Profile: Gertrude Belle Elion – The Satisfaction of Delayed Gratification, Scientific American 265(4), 40-44.


16 Replies

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October 16th is Ada Lovelace Day, in which we celebrate women's achievements in science, technology,...

October 16th is Ada Lovelace Day, in which we celebrate women's achievements in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Ada Lovelace is heralded as the first computer programmer, writing programs (calculating Bernoulli Numbers) for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine as early as 1843 [1].  One of the most prominent mathematicians at the time, August de Morgan, had impressive things to say about her abilities, “which would require all the strength of a man's constitution to bear” [2], and Babbage himself highlighted her prowess over other contemporaries to Faraday, the legendary English scientist, in a succinct personal correspondence [3].  I've included a transcription of her work [4], showing just how thorough and detailed she was.

It's important to take a moment to note some of the other women who have made significant contributions to the advancement of society over the years.  One of my favorites is Marie Curie, seen in this photo as the only women to appear alongside the intellectual powerhouse that assembled for the Solvay Conference in 1927.  Seated between physicists Planck and Lorentz, she is in good company along with the likes of Einstein and Heisenberg.

Curie remains, to this day, the only person to have ever won a Nobel Prize in multiple sciences. [5]

Here are a couple other notable women that deserve recognition:
- Gertrude Belle Elion (biochemist): Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1988. [6]  Gertrude invented an incredible swathe of drugs using innovative new research methods [7], including the first treatment for leukemia. [8]
- Jane Goodall (primatologist): outstanding achievement in anthropology through her incredible 45-year field study of wild chimpanzees [9] which has wildly changed the school of thought in regards to man's connection to primates.  Goodall has been a role model of mine since I first encountered her and her work as a child reading National Geographic Magazine.

Instead of letting today pass only remembering one woman's contributions, take a moment to share your story and your female role model. [10]

So, what women do you revere in science, technology, engineering, or maths?

#AdaLovelaceDay   #STEM  

[7]: Holloway, M. (1991) Profile: Gertrude Belle Elion – The Satisfaction of Delayed Gratification, Scientific American 265(4), 40-44.


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Hurricane Sandy: Resources, Guides, and Information With #HurricaneSandy  already flooding streets ...

Hurricane Sandy: Resources, Guides, and Information

With #HurricaneSandy  already flooding streets [1] and causing damage [2] in #NYC  due to the effects of the combined hurricane, western stormfront, and full-moon tides [3], I wanted to take just a quick moment to collect some resources related to the storm.  I have quite a few friends directly in the path of the storm (ahem, +Sharon Strandskov!) and I want to urge everyone to stay safe. Make no illusion, this storm is serious business: take a look at the attached photo to see a comparison to Hurricane Irene.

As always, preparedness is key.  If you're in the path of the storm and haven't yet found your battery-powered radio, it's strongly recommend that you do so now while you have the light, as both your Internet and cell signals are likely to be interrupted.  If you haven't stocked up on water and [non-perishable] food, it's a bit late and you're going to have to hunker down and hope for the best.

Course of Action:
From the FEMA Guidelines [4]:
  1) Listen to the radio or TV for information. [ed.: or FEMA's Twitter [5]]
  2) Secure your home, close storm shutters, and secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors.
  3) Turn off utilities if instructed to do so. Otherwise, turn the refrigerator thermostat to its coldest setting and keep its doors closed.
  4) Turn off propane tanks.· Avoid using the phone, except for serious emergencies.
  5) Moor your boat if time permits.
  6) Ensure a supply of water for sanitary purposes such as cleaning and flushing toilets. Fill the bathtub and other large containers with water.

As an additional tip that I recently learned, you can fill plastic bags with water and put them in your freezer to prepare for extended power/water outages.  These will stay cool longer than bottled water in your refrigerator.

If you're in one of the evacuation areas and haven't yet followed the instructions or aren't able to do so, make sure to seek shelter and follow the appropriate guidelines. [4]

Google Crisis Map: -- this is awesome, and a great central resource keeping up to date.
NOAA Station 44065: -- this is a buoy off the coast of New York tracking the wind speed and direction, if you want direct from-the-source reports.
GOES-14 Satellite Imagery: -- Composite satellite imagery from the SSEC program at WISC, on a 1 minute loop. -- useful for official advisories and up-to-date information, straight from the source.

Take a moment and look up your local news station's Facebook / Twitter and subscribe, optionally via SMS so that when the power goes out, you still have a method of receiving realtime updates (provided cell coverage doesn't go down / get inundated with emergency requests).

As a bonus, there's a pretty awesome #HTML5  canvas wind visualization demo that updates in realtime [6].  Some pretty slick techniques there, so view the source [Luke].

Feel free to add your own resources in the comments.  I'll edit the post to add the most helpful resources.



9 Replies

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Hurricane Sandy: Resources, Guides, and Information With #HurricaneSandy  already flooding streets ...

Hurricane Sandy: Resources, Guides, and Information

With #HurricaneSandy  already flooding streets [1] and causing damage [2] in #NYC  due to the effects of the combined hurricane, western stormfront, and full-moon tides [3], I wanted to take just a quick moment to collect some resources related to the storm.  I have quite a few friends directly in the path of the storm (ahem, +Sharon Strandskov!) and I want to urge everyone to stay safe. Make no illusion, this storm is serious business: take a look at the attached photo to see a comparison to Hurricane Irene.

As always, preparedness is key.  If you're in the path of the storm and haven't yet found your battery-powered radio, it's strongly recommend that you do so now while you have the light, as both your Internet and cell signals are likely to be interrupted.  If you haven't stocked up on water and [non-perishable] food, it's a bit late and you're going to have to hunker down and hope for the best.

Course of Action:
From the FEMA Guidelines [4]:
  1) Listen to the radio or TV for information. [ed.: or FEMA's Twitter [5]]
  2) Secure your home, close storm shutters, and secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors.
  3) Turn off utilities if instructed to do so. Otherwise, turn the refrigerator thermostat to its coldest setting and keep its doors closed.
  4) Turn off propane tanks.· Avoid using the phone, except for serious emergencies.
  5) Moor your boat if time permits.
  6) Ensure a supply of water for sanitary purposes such as cleaning and flushing toilets. Fill the bathtub and other large containers with water.

As an additional tip that I recently learned, you can fill plastic bags with water and put them in your freezer to prepare for extended power/water outages.  These will stay cool longer than bottled water in your refrigerator.

If you're in one of the evacuation areas and haven't yet followed the instructions or aren't able to do so, make sure to seek shelter and follow the appropriate guidelines. [4]

Google Crisis Map: -- this is awesome, and a great central resource keeping up to date.
NOAA Station 44065: -- this is a buoy off the coast of New York tracking the wind speed and direction, if you want direct from-the-source reports.
GOES-14 Satellite Imagery: -- Composite satellite imagery from the SSEC program at WISC, on a 1 minute loop. -- useful for official advisories and up-to-date information, straight from the source.

Take a moment and look up your local news station's Facebook / Twitter and subscribe, optionally via SMS so that when the power goes out, you still have a method of receiving realtime updates (provided cell coverage doesn't go down / get inundated with emergency requests).

As a bonus, there's a pretty awesome #HTML5  canvas wind visualization demo that updates in realtime [6].  Some pretty slick techniques there, so view the source [Luke].

Feel free to add your own resources in the comments.  I'll edit the post to add the most helpful resources.



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Hurricane Sandy: Resources, Guides, and Information With #HurricaneSandy  already flooding streets ...

Hurricane Sandy: Resources, Guides, and Information

With #HurricaneSandy  already flooding streets [1] and causing damage [2] in #NYC  due to the effects of the combined hurricane, western stormfront, and full-moon tides [3], I wanted to take just a quick moment to collect some resources related to the storm.  I have quite a few friends directly in the path of the storm (ahem, +Sharon Strandskov!) and I want to urge everyone to stay safe. Make no illusion, this storm is serious business: take a look at the attached photo to see a comparison to Hurricane Irene.

As always, preparedness is key.  If you're in the path of the storm and haven't yet found your battery-powered radio, it's strongly recommend that you do so now while you have the light, as both your Internet and cell signals are likely to be interrupted.  If you haven't stocked up on water and [non-perishable] food, it's a bit late and you're going to have to hunker down and hope for the best.

Course of Action:
From the FEMA Guidelines [4]:
  1) Listen to the radio or TV for information. [ed.: or FEMA's Twitter [5]]
  2) Secure your home, close storm shutters, and secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors.
  3) Turn off utilities if instructed to do so. Otherwise, turn the refrigerator thermostat to its coldest setting and keep its doors closed.
  4) Turn off propane tanks.· Avoid using the phone, except for serious emergencies.
  5) Moor your boat if time permits.
  6) Ensure a supply of water for sanitary purposes such as cleaning and flushing toilets. Fill the bathtub and other large containers with water.

As an additional tip that I recently learned, you can fill plastic bags with water and put them in your freezer to prepare for extended power/water outages.  These will stay cool longer than bottled water in your refrigerator.

If you're in one of the evacuation areas and haven't yet followed the instructions or aren't able to do so, make sure to seek shelter and follow the appropriate guidelines. [4]

Google Crisis Map: -- this is awesome, and a great central resource keeping up to date.
NOAA Station 44065: -- this is a buoy off the coast of New York tracking the wind speed and direction, if you want direct from-the-source reports.
GOES-14 Satellite Imagery: -- Composite satellite imagery from the SSEC program at WISC, on a 1 minute loop. -- useful for official advisories and up-to-date information, straight from the source.

Take a moment and look up your local news station's Facebook / Twitter and subscribe, optionally via SMS so that when the power goes out, you still have a method of receiving realtime updates (provided cell coverage doesn't go down / get inundated with emergency requests).

As a bonus, there's a pretty awesome #HTML5  canvas wind visualization demo that updates in realtime [6].  Some pretty slick techniques there, so view the source [Luke].

Feel free to add your own resources in the comments.  I'll edit the post to add the most helpful resources.



9 Replies

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Hurricane Sandy: Resources, Guides, and Information With #HurricaneSandy  already flooding streets ...

Hurricane Sandy: Resources, Guides, and Information

With #HurricaneSandy  already flooding streets [1] and causing damage [2] in #NYC  due to the effects of the combined hurricane, western stormfront, and full-moon tides [3], I wanted to take just a quick moment to collect some resources related to the storm.  I have quite a few friends directly in the path of the storm (ahem, +Sharon Strandskov!) and I want to urge everyone to stay safe. Make no illusion, this storm is serious business: take a look at the attached photo to see a comparison to Hurricane Irene.

As always, preparedness is key.  If you're in the path of the storm and haven't yet found your battery-powered radio, it's strongly recommend that you do so now while you have the light, as both your Internet and cell signals are likely to be interrupted.  If you haven't stocked up on water and [non-perishable] food, it's a bit late and you're going to have to hunker down and hope for the best.

Course of Action:
From the FEMA Guidelines [4]:
  1) Listen to the radio or TV for information. [ed.: or FEMA's Twitter [5]]
  2) Secure your home, close storm shutters, and secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors.
  3) Turn off utilities if instructed to do so. Otherwise, turn the refrigerator thermostat to its coldest setting and keep its doors closed.
  4) Turn off propane tanks.· Avoid using the phone, except for serious emergencies.
  5) Moor your boat if time permits.
  6) Ensure a supply of water for sanitary purposes such as cleaning and flushing toilets. Fill the bathtub and other large containers with water.

As an additional tip that I recently learned, you can fill plastic bags with water and put them in your freezer to prepare for extended power/water outages.  These will stay cool longer than bottled water in your refrigerator.

If you're in one of the evacuation areas and haven't yet followed the instructions or aren't able to do so, make sure to seek shelter and follow the appropriate guidelines. [4]

Google Crisis Map: -- this is awesome, and a great central resource keeping up to date.
NOAA Station 44065: -- this is a buoy off the coast of New York tracking the wind speed and direction, if you want direct from-the-source reports.
GOES-14 Satellite Imagery: -- Composite satellite imagery from the SSEC program at WISC, on a 1 minute loop. -- useful for official advisories and up-to-date information, straight from the source.

Take a moment and look up your local news station's Facebook / Twitter and subscribe, optionally via SMS so that when the power goes out, you still have a method of receiving realtime updates (provided cell coverage doesn't go down / get inundated with emergency requests).

As a bonus, there's a pretty awesome #HTML5  canvas wind visualization demo that updates in realtime [6].  Some pretty slick techniques there, so view the source [Luke].

Feel free to add your own resources in the comments.  I'll edit the post to add the most helpful resources.



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