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Problem Solving Challenge: Move 211 Tons of Gold

A recent post from renowned security analyst Bruce Schneier highlighted an interesting problem to me.

It was announced last week that Hugo Chávez of Venezuela intends to repatriate 211 tons of gold (worth some $12.1 billion dollars by calculations based on current prices) from Europe back to Venezuela.

Venezuela would need to transport the gold in several trips, traders said, since the high value of gold means it would be impossible to insure a single aircraft carrying 211 tonnes. It could take about 40 shipments to move the gold back to Caracas, traders estimated. “It’s going to be quite a task. Logistically, I’m not sure if the central bank realises the magnitude of the task ahead of them,” said one senior gold banker.

So the challenge is this: how can Venezuela safely retrieve 211 tons of gold from its European stores? What solutions can you come up with using lateral analysis?

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