The new is an experiment in data aggregation, and might have a few bugs. Feel free to explore, and then provide feedback directly to @martindale.

search results for developers

Since you cannot reshare a share, I linked to the article by +Carmelyne Thompson instead. Nice read ...

Since you cannot reshare a share, I linked to the article by +Carmelyne Thompson instead. Nice read regarding how we operate in Hangout Academy!

Whoever is curious what we use:
- Gerrit for Code Review
- We use Debian for Staging Server / Production Server
- We have automated builds that it deploys the web app to Staging server
- We follow agile development, we do modified SCRUM every other day.
- We document enough so that if a new member joins, they wont get lost.
- We design, we architect, we develop and iterate!
- We use hangouts for our main communication tool.
- We use Google Apps with Sites / Mail / Calendar integration

The team is beyond awesome, read her post to know the full picture! We love to tinker, we love development, and we love design!

via +Carmelyne Thompson


Carmelyne Thompson - Google+ - Wonder what we have been working on for the last month? …

Wonder what we have been working on for the last month? Coming soon, Hangout Academy will make educational and public hangouts fun and effective. Right…

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Since you cannot reshare a share, I linked to the article by +Carmelyne Thompson instead. Nice read ...

Since you cannot reshare a share, I linked to the article by +Carmelyne Thompson instead. Nice read regarding how we operate in Hangout Academy!

Whoever is curious what we use:
- Gerrit for Code Review
- We use Debian for Staging Server / Production Server
- We have automated builds that it deploys the web app to Staging server
- We follow agile development, we do modified SCRUM every other day.
- We document enough so that if a new member joins, they wont get lost.
- We design, we architect, we develop and iterate!
- We use hangouts for our main communication tool.
- We use Google Apps with Sites / Mail / Calendar integration

The team is beyond awesome, read her post to know the full picture! We love to tinker, we love development, and we love design!

via +Carmelyne Thompson


Carmelyne Thompson - Google+ - Wonder what we have been working on for the last month? …

Wonder what we have been working on for the last month? Coming soon, Hangout Academy will make educational and public hangouts fun and effective. Right…

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I'm not so sure I would... in reply to

I'm not so sure I would lay the blame for facebook's "problems" with their development model. Not that I'd argue for their development model because I know little about it or particulars of their changes, but my problems with them stem purely from a design perspective (call it Human Factors if you want).

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Search Resumes Using Google

Oooh, someone's a clever cat. I was thumbing through Google Analytics today (like I do every day), and I was looking at what keywords people were using to find my site. I came across an interesting one:"social media" "search engine optimization" (inurl:resume | intitle:resume) Either someone is researching competition, or there's someone looking to hire people for a job they could do themselves. My guess is the former. Whoever you were, good job!

I bet you could do a search like, "lead developer" (inurl:resume | intitle:resume) and get some pretty tasty results. Or, perhaps someone wants to develop a custom search engine that utilizes Google to find highly ranked resumes? There's some nice and crunchy ideas.

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Building Blockchain-secured Applications Is Easy with Bitcore We've spent a lot of time figuring out...

Building Blockchain-secured Applications Is Easy with Bitcore
We've spent a lot of time figuring out how to make #blockchain  technology much more accessible to developers.  There's a lot of things you can do with #bitcoin  that you might not realize – and they're all right at your fingertips with Bitcore.

Come join our lead developer +Manuel Araoz as he gives an introduction to Bitcore, our Javascript library for doing all things related to bitcoin and the blockchain.  The webinar is tomorrow, at 7PM EDT.  Don't miss it.


Webinar Registration: Intro to Bitcore

Live: Tuesday, 21 April 2015 at 07:00 PM EDT

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New Chapters

After a year and a half working with some of the smartest and most competent engineers I've ever met, it's time for me to part ways with BitPay. I've had the opportunity to be deeply involved in the design, implementation, and deployment of some incredible technologies, but we're turning a page in the story of Bitcoin's rise and it's time to start exploring the new chapter. BitPay continues to paint an incredibly compelling picture as to what the decentralized future looks like – we worked on some incredibly far-reaching and massively impactful ideas, including: - [ChainDB][chaindb], a distributed database backed exclusively by the Bitcoin blockchain. - [Copay][copay], a truly decentralized wallet & identity management platform. - [BitAuth][bitauth], a secure authentication mechanism for peers on the web, using the `k1` curve. - [Impulse][impulse], a method of securing zero-confirmation transactions. - [Foxtrot][foxtrot], a completely encrypted data transmission network. - [Bitcore][bitcore], a library of common software functionality to glue everything together. You might notice a few common themes. Let me point out the two most important. Firstly, that everything here is open source (with the notable exception of ChainDB). Open source, and more importantly [free software][free software], is a very big deal to me. Prior to joining BitPay, I was [open sourcing education][coursefork], [contributing to open source software](, and [speaking on the importance of open source]( Some of the things I'm most proud of are the things _other_ people built with the things _we_ gave away – _that's_ the real power of open source. Secondly, that everything here is based on Bitcoin, not some alternative blockchain. BitPay was a firm believer in Bitcoin as the exclusive platform that would secure the post-fiat era, and that belief has held strongly with me before and after my departure. Until a more compelling alternative to Bitcoin emerges, One of the other exciting things to come out of BitPay was the emergence of [DECENTRALIZE][decentralize], which we formed last fall with a few of our fellow employees. DECENTRALIZE has become [an acclaimed content source][cointelegraph:decentralize] in the latest resurgence of decentralized thinking, and now it gets to be a much bigger priority for me. Before I joined BitPay, I'd put a lot of work into [Maki][maki], a framework for making full-stack application development significantly easier. Maki took a bit of a back-burner position while I was focusing on my work at BitPay, so I'll be redoubling my efforts to see that vision through. In fact, I think now's as good a time as any to share that vision. To that end, I'm starting a new project named Fabric. I'd like to entirely eliminate centralized servers on the Internet and catalyze the development of an entirely new class of economic actor. More details soon. As we embark on our next journey, let's always remember the carefully selected input used to create [the Genesis Block][genesis]: > The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks [chaindb]: [copay]: [bitauth]: [impulse]: [foxtrot]: [bitcore]: [decentralize]: [free software]: [coursefork]: [maki]: [cointelegraph:decentralize]: [genesis]:

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Letter Sweep

Following suit with the likes of Tim Bray and Eric Meyer, I figured I'd throw together my browser's letter sweep tonight.

  • [A]dmin Site. Yeah, I guess I would be visiting the admin panel for this. Quite frequently.
  • Mirascape's [B]log. An infrequent haunt of mine, but fairly obvious.
  • [C]MON. Cluster Monitor for MySQL Cluster, something I almost always have open.
  • Google [D]ocs. This one is painfully obvious, I use Google Docs extensively.
  • [E] Okay, that's a gimme. Does this make me egocentric?
  • [F]acebook. I'm actually fairly ashamed of this one. Why can't I have a cool F site? sadface
  • [G]mail. Three accounts linked using Google's Multiple Sign-in. Open [almost] all day.
  • [H]ighcharts JS. A pretty kick-ass Javascript library for generating charts on the clientside.
  • [I]nternal Discussion. A site for communication with my team. :)
  • [J]Query Mobile Demo, 1.0 alpha 3. I've been spending a lot of time toying with jQuery Mobile, seeing where it's going compared to Sencha Touch.
  • [K] Keith Rarick's GitHub redirect. Total ass-kicker.
  • [L]inkedIn. Pretty straightforward, between hiring for our team at @Mirascape and the travel to and from various conferences and Meetups lately.
  • [M]irascape. The augmented reality platform I'm responsible for.
  • [N]oxBot. A nice PHP-powered IRC bot with various plugins. A bit out of date, but very powerful. Been using it for a couple things lately.
  • [O]K, QR Me!. A QR Code-generating link shortener I built.
  • [P]ostmark. Best Email delivery service I've used. Nice RESTful API, flat rate for emails sent.
  • [Q]uora. These guys nail Q&A, and they're doing it pretty well. Check out all their buzz, too. But for some reason, I just don't stick.
  • Google [R]eader. “From your 1,040 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 21,549 items, clicked 274 items, starred 853 items, shared 37 items, and emailed 8 items.” -- </stats>
  • [S]erver Stats for Mirascape. Powered by Munin, it's how I keep track of the status and metrics of all my servers.
  • [T]witter. Not surprising. I love their webapp for my personal use, but own and manage at least five accounts using SplitTweet.
  • [U]serVoice. Pretty sweet tool I use for giving the communities I manage a good way to build a consensus on what they desire most. Examples I run: for RolePlayGateway, and EVE UserVoice for EVE Online.
  • Google [V]oice. Allows me to use SMS from my computer, read (as opposed to listen to) voicemail. Great tool. If only it supported MMS.
  • [W]achovia. One of the places I do banking.
  • [X]DA Developers. An indisposable resource for getting rid of carrier-installed crap and running my own choice of software on the hardware I purchased!
  • [Y]ouTube. Another big namer. No surprise.
  • [Z]ecco. Where I trade most of my public stocks. :)

Surprisingly populist, and there's a lot of Google-owned properties in there. I'm also using Chromium, so I think it prefers the roots of the sites I visit instead of searching through my history for individual pages.

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Onward, and Ever Upward

2013 was an amazing year; between founding +Coursefork, building and, working with several amazing startups [1], and being allowed to call myself a peer to some of the smartest people I know all throughout, it has been a year of both great achievement and personal growth.  This sets an incredibly compelling stage for 2014 and everything to come therein.

Today, I'm excited to announce that I'll be joining the likes of Jeff Garzik [2], Patrick Nagurny, and Ian Patton under the leadership of CTO Stephen Pair at +Bitpay, which allows anyone to quickly and seamlessly accept Bitcoin as payment, settling immediately in any currency, including USD.

Bitcoin has become one of the biggest stories of 2013, having grown over 9000% in value [3] and even surpassing Western Union in transaction volume [4].  As potentially the most counterfeit-proof form of payment in history, Bitcoin is poised to become one of the most disruptive technologies since the invention of the Internet as society moves increasingly into decentralized systems in an era of waning trust and increasing technological awareness by growing economies like China, India, and Brazil [5].

Taking advantage of this trend of decentralization, BitPay is perfectly positioned to serve as the mechanism for BitCoin's mass-adoption as massive merchants such as move to accept this new form of payment.  It's exciting to be involved with a company in this position at such an early stage, and expand the breadth of my experience to include another decentralized system, and especially to be holding the responsibility of expanding the company's open-source initiatives and engaging the developer community in a meaningful way.

After parting ways with Coursefork late last year, I've taken a seat on the Board of Advisors, allowing the amazing team we built to realize the vision of open-sourcing the world of education [6] under the leadership of CTO +Brian Marks.  Brian was previously the CTO of successful education startup WebAssign [7], and will be an excellent steward of Coursefork's team and technology as they move towards the much-needed decentralization and open-sourcing of the education industry.  My best wishes to the team as they endeavor to do so!

Exciting times all around, and I'm truly lucky to be a part of it in so many ways.  Now let's go make the world a better place.

[1]: One of which, DigaForce, was just acquired: — congratulations to +Anthony Pompliano and +Matthew Cotter!
[2]: Jeff is one of the core developers of Bitcoin and a former +Red Hat team member from Raleigh.  How's that for the Triangle Company Family tree, +Derrick Minor?!
[5]: You might recall that in March of 2013, the Cypriot government restricted withdrawals and then utilized citizens' bank accounts directly to bail out their banking system, resulting in a surge in Bitcoin prices as individuals fled the fiat currency:
[6]: Here's an interview I did while CTO of Coursefork with +Jason Hibbets from that explains the vision:
[7]: As a cofounder and CTO at WebAssign for 13 years, Brian took the education company from zero to over $30M in yearly revenue before becoming my co-founder at Coursefork.


Stephen Pair: BitCoin Economy

Stephen Pair, Cofounder and CTO, BitPay on doing business in the BitCoin economy.

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Onward, and Ever Upward 2013 was an amazing year; between founding +Coursefork, building

Onward, and Ever Upward
2013 was an amazing year; between founding +Coursefork, building and, working with several amazing startups [1], and being allowed to call myself a peer to some of the smartest people I know all throughout, it has been a year of both great achievement and personal growth.  This sets an incredibly compelling stage for 2014 and everything to come therein.

Today, I'm excited to announce that I'll be joining the likes of Jeff Garzik [2], Patrick Nagurny, and Ian Patton under the leadership of CTO Stephen Pair at +Bitpay, which allows anyone to quickly and seamlessly accept Bitcoin as payment, settling immediately in any currency, including USD.

Bitcoin has become one of the biggest stories of 2013, having grown over 9000% in value [3] and even surpassing Western Union in transaction volume [4].  As potentially the most counterfeit-proof form of payment in history, Bitcoin is poised to become one of the most disruptive technologies since the invention of the Internet as society moves increasingly into decentralized systems in an era of waning trust and increasing technological awareness by growing economies like China, India, and Brazil [5].

Taking advantage of this trend of decentralization, BitPay is perfectly positioned to serve as the mechanism for BitCoin's mass-adoption as massive merchants such as move to accept this new form of payment.  It's exciting to be involved with a company in this position at such an early stage, and expand the breadth of my experience to include another decentralized system, and especially to be holding the responsibility of expanding the company's open-source initiatives and engaging the developer community in a meaningful way.

After parting ways with Coursefork late last year, I've taken a seat on the Board of Advisors, allowing the amazing team we built to realize the vision of open-sourcing the world of education [6] under the leadership of CTO +Brian Marks.  Brian was previously the CTO of successful education startup WebAssign [7], and will be an excellent steward of Coursefork's team and technology as they move towards the much-needed decentralization and open-sourcing of the education industry.  My best wishes to the team as they endeavor to do so!

Exciting times all around, and I'm truly lucky to be a part of it in so many ways.  Now let's go make the world a better place.

[1]: One of which, DigaForce, was just acquired: — congratulations to +Anthony Pompliano and +Matthew Cotter!
[2]: Jeff is one of the core developers of Bitcoin and a former +Red Hat team member from Raleigh.  How's that for the Triangle Company Family tree, +Derrick Minor?!
[5]: You might recall that in March of 2013, the Cypriot government restricted withdrawals and then utilized citizens' bank accounts directly to bail out their banking system, resulting in a surge in Bitcoin prices as individuals fled the fiat currency:
[6]: Here's an interview I did while CTO of Coursefork with +Jason Hibbets from that explains the vision:
[7]: As a cofounder and CTO at WebAssign for 13 years, Brian took the education company from zero to over $30M in yearly revenue before becoming my co-founder at Coursefork.


Stephen Pair: BitCoin Economy

Stephen Pair, Cofounder and CTO, BitPay on doing business in the BitCoin economy.

1 Replies

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Onward, and Ever Upward 2013 was an amazing year; between founding +Coursefork, building

Onward, and Ever Upward
2013 was an amazing year; between founding +Coursefork, building and, working with several amazing startups [1], and being allowed to call myself a peer to some of the smartest people I know all throughout, it has been a year of both great achievement and personal growth.  This sets an incredibly compelling stage for 2014 and everything to come therein.

Today, I'm excited to announce that I'll be joining the likes of Jeff Garzik [2], Patrick Nagurny, and Ian Patton under the leadership of CTO Stephen Pair at +Bitpay, which allows anyone to quickly and seamlessly accept Bitcoin as payment, settling immediately in any currency, including USD.

Bitcoin has become one of the biggest stories of 2013, having grown over 9000% in value [3] and even surpassing Western Union in transaction volume [4].  As potentially the most counterfeit-proof form of payment in history, Bitcoin is poised to become one of the most disruptive technologies since the invention of the Internet as society moves increasingly into decentralized systems in an era of waning trust and increasing technological awareness by growing economies like China, India, and Brazil [5].

Taking advantage of this trend of decentralization, BitPay is perfectly positioned to serve as the mechanism for BitCoin's mass-adoption as massive merchants such as move to accept this new form of payment.  It's exciting to be involved with a company in this position at such an early stage, and expand the breadth of my experience to include another decentralized system, and especially to be holding the responsibility of expanding the company's open-source initiatives and engaging the developer community in a meaningful way.

After parting ways with Coursefork late last year, I've taken a seat on the Board of Advisors, allowing the amazing team we built to realize the vision of open-sourcing the world of education [6] under the leadership of CTO +Brian Marks.  Brian was previously the CTO of successful education startup WebAssign [7], and will be an excellent steward of Coursefork's team and technology as they move towards the much-needed decentralization and open-sourcing of the education industry.  My best wishes to the team as they endeavor to do so!

Exciting times all around, and I'm truly lucky to be a part of it in so many ways.  Now let's go make the world a better place.

[1]: One of which, DigaForce, was just acquired: — congratulations to +Anthony Pompliano and +Matthew Cotter!
[2]: Jeff is one of the core developers of Bitcoin and a former +Red Hat team member from Raleigh.  How's that for the Triangle Company Family tree, +Derrick Minor?!
[5]: You might recall that in March of 2013, the Cypriot government restricted withdrawals and then utilized citizens' bank accounts directly to bail out their banking system, resulting in a surge in Bitcoin prices as individuals fled the fiat currency:
[6]: Here's an interview I did while CTO of Coursefork with +Jason Hibbets from that explains the vision:
[7]: As a cofounder and CTO at WebAssign for 13 years, Brian took the education company from zero to over $30M in yearly revenue before becoming my co-founder at Coursefork.


Stephen Pair: BitCoin Economy

Stephen Pair, Cofounder and CTO, BitPay on doing business in the BitCoin economy.

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Onward, and Ever Upward 2013 was an amazing year; between founding +Coursefork, building

Onward, and Ever Upward
2013 was an amazing year; between founding +Coursefork, building and, working with several amazing startups [1], and being allowed to call myself a peer to some of the smartest people I know all throughout, it has been a year of both great achievement and personal growth.  This sets an incredibly compelling stage for 2014 and everything to come therein.

Today, I'm excited to announce that I'll be joining the likes of Jeff Garzik [2], Patrick Nagurny, and Ian Patton under the leadership of CTO Stephen Pair at +Bitpay, which allows anyone to quickly and seamlessly accept Bitcoin as payment, settling immediately in any currency, including USD.

Bitcoin has become one of the biggest stories of 2013, having grown over 9000% in value [3] and even surpassing Western Union in transaction volume [4].  As potentially the most counterfeit-proof form of payment in history, Bitcoin is poised to become one of the most disruptive technologies since the invention of the Internet as society moves increasingly into decentralized systems in an era of waning trust and increasing technological awareness by growing economies like China, India, and Brazil [5].

Taking advantage of this trend of decentralization, BitPay is perfectly positioned to serve as the mechanism for BitCoin's mass-adoption as massive merchants such as move to accept this new form of payment.  It's exciting to be involved with a company in this position at such an early stage, and expand the breadth of my experience to include another decentralized system, and especially to be holding the responsibility of expanding the company's open-source initiatives and engaging the developer community in a meaningful way.

After parting ways with Coursefork late last year, I've taken a seat on the Board of Advisors, allowing the amazing team we built to realize the vision of open-sourcing the world of education [6] under the leadership of CTO +Brian Marks.  Brian was previously the CTO of successful education startup WebAssign [7], and will be an excellent steward of Coursefork's team and technology as they move towards the much-needed decentralization and open-sourcing of the education industry.  My best wishes to the team as they endeavor to do so!

Exciting times all around, and I'm truly lucky to be a part of it in so many ways.  Now let's go make the world a better place.

[1]: One of which, DigaForce, was just acquired: — congratulations to +Anthony Pompliano and +Matthew Cotter!
[2]: Jeff is one of the core developers of Bitcoin and a former +Red Hat team member from Raleigh.  How's that for the Triangle Company Family tree, +Derrick Minor?!
[5]: You might recall that in March of 2013, the Cypriot government restricted withdrawals and then utilized citizens' bank accounts directly to bail out their banking system, resulting in a surge in Bitcoin prices as individuals fled the fiat currency:
[6]: Here's an interview I did while CTO of Coursefork with +Jason Hibbets from that explains the vision:
[7]: As a cofounder and CTO at WebAssign for 13 years, Brian took the education company from zero to over $30M in yearly revenue before becoming my co-founder at Coursefork.


Stephen Pair: BitCoin Economy

Stephen Pair, Cofounder and CTO, BitPay on doing business in the BitCoin economy.

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But what if Iran ppl develop... in reply to

But what if Iran ppl develop a weapon similar to stuxnet ?

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I secretly want my future children... in reply to

I secretly want my future children to grow up to be developers, hehe. They can control the world!

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Great work by the Bitcoin Core...

Great work by the Bitcoin Core developers, with the release of Bitcoin 0.13. Very impressed with the release notes:


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I&#39;m a female developer and I... in reply to

I'm a female developer and I program in Ada as well, which is named after Ada Lovelace :D

I wish more girls would start doing science and technology... we're generally very good at it :)

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Want to follow along with the...

Want to follow along with the Bitcoin Development Mailing List, but avoid email? Try this subreddit by @kevinriggen:


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I don&#39;t understand your first point.... in reply to

I don't understand your first point. Opting in was only a hassle for those of us with developer accounts that want to preview the changes. For the masses it'll just change to the new style when they formally release it.

Or have I misunderstood what you have written?

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RT @martindale: Great work by the...

RT @martindale: Great work by the Bitcoin Core developers, with the release of Bitcoin 0.13. Very impressed with the release notes: https:…

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It&#39;s possible that I got the... in reply to

It's possible that I got the pop-up because I'm a registered Facebook developer already. Time will tell. There is a huge potential for people to publicly tell the world everything about themselves, when, where, with whom married, kids, DOB's, etc, etc, which is quite scary.

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<span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="108505558087127895508">Summer... in reply to

+Summer Rose-Gonzalez Did you work at Google and use it in the very early development stage? The invite-only Beta started in April 2004.

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Very exciting to see @AirBitz step...

Very exciting to see @AirBitz step up and hire @lucas_lclc as a core developer. More companies should follow their lead and support Bitcoin.

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RT @martindale: Want to follow along...

RT @martindale: Want to follow along with the Bitcoin Development Mailing List, but avoid email? Try this subreddit by @kevinriggen: https:


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RT @martindale: Want to follow along...

RT @martindale: Want to follow along with the Bitcoin Development Mailing List, but avoid email? Try this subreddit by @kevinriggen: https:


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RT @martindale: Want to follow along...

RT @martindale: Want to follow along with the Bitcoin Development Mailing List, but avoid email? Try this subreddit by @kevinriggen: https:


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RT @martindale: Want to follow along...

RT @martindale: Want to follow along with the Bitcoin Development Mailing List, but avoid email? Try this subreddit by @kevinriggen: https:


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RT @martindale: Want to follow along...

RT @martindale: Want to follow along with the Bitcoin Development Mailing List, but avoid email? Try this subreddit by @kevinriggen: https:


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Beginning with open mic pitches on Friday, attendees bring their best ideas and inspire others to join...

Beginning with open mic pitches on Friday, attendees bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday teams focus on customer development, validating their ideas, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening teams demo their prototypes and receive valuable feedback from a panel of experts.


Triangle Startup Weekend

Beginning with open mic pitches on Friday, attendees bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday teams focus on customer development, validating their ideas, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening teams demo their prototypes and receive valuable feedback from a panel of experts.

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Beginning with open mic pitches on Friday, attendees bring their best ideas and inspire others to join...

Beginning with open mic pitches on Friday, attendees bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday teams focus on customer development, validating their ideas, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening teams demo their prototypes and receive valuable feedback from a panel of experts.


Triangle Startup Weekend

Beginning with open mic pitches on Friday, attendees bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday teams focus on customer development, validating their ideas, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening teams demo their prototypes and receive valuable feedback from a panel of experts.

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Hey thanks for this a whole... in reply to

Hey thanks for this a whole bunch +Eric Martindale ! As a pre-engineering software development student, I am grateful for good advice. I'll be going over to GitHub. I'm sure the interaction will be helpful.

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We're going live in 15 minutes...

We're going live in 15 minutes with #bitcoin Core Developer @jgarzik on the @DecentralizeAll podcast! Watch online:


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It&#39;s how to focus, not how... in reply to

It's how to focus, not how to think. At least as important, but not the same at all.

The parts about focusing on what you're bad at hit home for me as a rock wall  climber. The climbing ethos involves challenging yourself and falling off the wall a lot, but in a friendly and supportive environment. You develop persistence and work on skills that you're currently bad at, mixing it up with stuff you can do better. I often wonder about how to create that kind of environment in a classroom.

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<span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="112353210404102902472">Eric... in reply to

+Eric Martindale when I logged into Facebook I was asked if I wanted to preview the new timeline. On clicking yes it said I'd get an invite in the future. So I think they may be phasing it in but developers first (and only those looking to write new verb based apps).

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<span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="104298156070730115178">Chris... in reply to

+Chris Westcott In our discussion, we had talked about giving normal users the option to "preview" sweeping changes like Facebook is making, largely concluding that it would be healthy for them to receive feedback before they force a sitewide push. I fear that this effectively developer-only preview will be the only preview.

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RT @martindale: Very exciting to see...

RT @martindale: Very exciting to see @AirBitz step up and hire @lucas_lclc as a core developer. More companies should follow their lead and…

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RT @martindale: Very exciting to see...

RT @martindale: Very exciting to see @AirBitz step up and hire @lucas_lclc as a core developer. More companies should follow their lead and…

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RT @martindale: Very exciting to see...

RT @martindale: Very exciting to see @AirBitz step up and hire @lucas_lclc as a core developer. More companies should follow their lead and…

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RT @martindale: Very exciting to see...

RT @martindale: Very exciting to see @AirBitz step up and hire @lucas_lclc as a core developer. More companies should follow their lead and…

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RT @martindale: Very exciting to see...

RT @martindale: Very exciting to see @AirBitz step up and hire @lucas_lclc as a core developer. More companies should follow their lead and…

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RT @martindale: Very exciting to see...

RT @martindale: Very exciting to see @AirBitz step up and hire @lucas_lclc as a core developer. More companies should follow their lead and…

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RT @martindale: Very exciting to see...

RT @martindale: Very exciting to see @AirBitz step up and hire @lucas_lclc as a core developer. More companies should follow their lead and…

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RT @martindale: Very exciting to see...

RT @martindale: Very exciting to see @AirBitz step up and hire @lucas_lclc as a core developer. More companies should follow their lead and…

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RT @martindale: Very exciting to see...

RT @martindale: Very exciting to see @AirBitz step up and hire @lucas_lclc as a core developer. More companies should follow their lead and…

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RT @martindale: Very exciting to see...

RT @martindale: Very exciting to see @AirBitz step up and hire @lucas_lclc as a core developer. More companies should follow their lead and…

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If the descriptions are in the... in reply to

If the descriptions are in the EXIF data and these can be accessed for a whole folder of images, then search through many images would become efficient. Just one idea. Also, any time a technology uses a form of text-to-speech there are applications to many people, not just those who are visually impaired. Think of people who have physical considerations that reduce keyboarding, such as those with a spinal cord injury or severe arthritis. Think of those who have a learning disability or cognitive challenge. I see far more people who may benefit as this technology develops.

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RT @martindale: We're going live in...

RT @martindale: We're going live in 15 minutes with #bitcoin Core Developer @jgarzik on the @DecentralizeAll podcast! Watch online: https:


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RT @martindale: We're going live in...

RT @martindale: We're going live in 15 minutes with #bitcoin Core Developer @jgarzik on the @DecentralizeAll podcast! Watch online: https:


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RT @martindale: We're going live in...

RT @martindale: We're going live in 15 minutes with #bitcoin Core Developer @jgarzik on the @DecentralizeAll podcast! Watch online: https:


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Of course it doesn&#39;t tell you... in reply to

Of course it doesn't tell you who wrote Flame. The NYT article tells you that. But how is that relevant? The cryptography aspect of it is part and parcel of the whole program. Without it, the operation could not have succeeded. Tell me, what rogue hacker has the capacity to develop his own collision attack cryptography--never before seen anywhere else--to conduct this operation. Mind you one that has specific interests in Iran. No matter how you twist it, you're still being delusional dude.

Given the number of classified patents the US publishes, especially in the field of cryptography, the most likely culprit is the NSA, the largest employer of mathematicians in the world.

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<span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="104973761519912571719">Christa... in reply to

+Christa Laser there's been a lot of attempts at visual programming over the years. none really took off in any major way. while such languages/systems might be effective to entice someone to start writing simple programs, they won't make them an effective engineer/developer.. The basic constructs in any language are really simple and easy for non-techies to grasp, however, its the algorithmic and data structures aspect that need study.

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Doesn&#39;t sound like a targeted attack... in reply to

Doesn't sound like a targeted attack but, just accidental luck to get into something thought to be secured.

Personally I think that in the IT industry there needs to be proactive training for all software developers because there is a serious deficit on security education and its very hard to keep up because of its ever changing nature. Better yet would be a strong investment in automated tools which could evaluate code for exploits. I'm sure some automated security checking exists out there but, I can tell you that if banks aren't using this sort of tool then I doubt many companies are.

Getting rid of Adobe reader and flash would also help greatly...

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Hi <span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href=""... in reply to

Hi +Eric Martindale - +Devin Buell is inviting the power users for the event -- we'll have a diverse selection. Consider it suspense. I hope to meet you all there -- and look forward to seeing what we get out of Party Mode. Hope you get your non-Google+ user friends there, too -- HIRL "circle development"

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&quot;What you still hear today from... in reply to

"What you still hear today from all kinds of people is how a Stuxnet-type attack requires so much insider knowledge."

Lazy programmers and administrators have said similar things for ages. First it was stack overflow bugs where the claim was it was much too hard to take advantage of them. Now it is a science with automatic intrusion tools that characterize certain types of overflows and develop attacks.

The best thing that can happen right now is benign bored teenagers breaking into systems until the owners can't pretend it isn't a real problem. Hopefully that happens long before organized crime and adversarial nations get into the act.

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In preparation for the Bay BitHack, Copay Product Lead +Matias Alejo Garcia and Developer Evangelist...

In preparation for the Bay BitHack, Copay Product Lead +Matias Alejo Garcia and Developer Evangelist +Eric Martindale will be hosting an AMA via Hangouts on Air, where questions about Bitcoin, Bitcoin-related APIs, and Cryptofinance in general will be answered.

Still needing an idea on what to build?  Not sure where to start?  Make sure to join us!


Bay BitHack Pre-Hackathon Bitcoin AMA, Sponsored by Copay

In preparation for the Bay BitHack, Copay Product Lead @114481436470709983722 and Developer Evangelist @112353210404102902472 will be hosting an AMA via Hangouts on Air, where questions about Bitcoin, Bitcoin-related APIs, and Cryptofinance in general will be answered. Still needing an idea on what to build?  Not sure where to start?  Make sure to join us!

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In preparation for the Bay BitHack, Copay Product Lead +Matias Alejo Garcia and Developer Evangelist...

In preparation for the Bay BitHack, Copay Product Lead +Matias Alejo Garcia and Developer Evangelist +Eric Martindale will be hosting an AMA via Hangouts on Air, where questions about Bitcoin, Bitcoin-related APIs, and Cryptofinance in general will be answered.

Still needing an idea on what to build?  Not sure where to start?  Make sure to join us!


Bay BitHack Pre-Hackathon Bitcoin AMA, Sponsored by Copay

In preparation for the Bay BitHack, Copay Product Lead @114481436470709983722 and Developer Evangelist @112353210404102902472 will be hosting an AMA via Hangouts on Air, where questions about Bitcoin, Bitcoin-related APIs, and Cryptofinance in general will be answered. Still needing an idea on what to build?  Not sure where to start?  Make sure to join us!

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In preparation for the Bay BitHack, Copay Product Lead +Matias Alejo Garcia and Developer Evangelist...

In preparation for the Bay BitHack, Copay Product Lead +Matias Alejo Garcia and Developer Evangelist +Eric Martindale will be hosting an AMA via Hangouts on Air, where questions about Bitcoin, Bitcoin-related APIs, and Cryptofinance in general will be answered.

Still needing an idea on what to build?  Not sure where to start?  Make sure to join us!


Bay BitHack Pre-Hackathon Bitcoin AMA, Sponsored by Copay

In preparation for the Bay BitHack, Copay Product Lead @114481436470709983722 and Developer Evangelist @112353210404102902472 will be hosting an AMA via Hangouts on Air, where questions about Bitcoin, Bitcoin-related APIs, and Cryptofinance in general will be answered. Still needing an idea on what to build?  Not sure where to start?  Make sure to join us!

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Bay BitHack Live AMA with Copay Developers

In preparation for the Bay BitHack, Copay Product Lead +Matias Alejo Garcia and Developer Evangelist +Eric Martindale will be hosting an AMA via Hangouts on Air, where questions about Bitcoin, Bitcoin-related APIs, and Cryptofinance in general will be answered.

Still needing an idea on what to build?  Not sure where to start?  Make sure to join us!


Bay BitHack Pre-Hackathon Bitcoin AMA, Sponsored by Copay

In preparation for the Bay BitHack, Copay Product Lead @114481436470709983722 and Developer Evangelist @112353210404102902472 will be hosting an AMA via Hangouts on Air, where questions about Bitcoin, Bitcoin-related APIs, and Cryptofinance in general will be answered. Still needing an idea on what to build?  Not sure where to start?  Make sure to join us!

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Today is mulling along

Work is work, as per the usual. I'm work at a company called TechNoggins, doing all sorts of various things. Primarily, I am Callcenter Manager, handling calls for three states and eleven major cities. It's unfortunately fairly slow today, which means my salary isn't augmented by the influx of web development work. Sad day.

I've been messing around with some of Facebook's features, recently. I just linked "My Notes" to this blog, which seems like a cool feature, but it needs some work. It imported my posts what seems to be twice?

Someone posted LeekSpin on the Grand Tournament forum. I've been subtly amused by the music to which this has been put, and have been listening to it for just over an hour now. You want to talk about overplaying, hrm? Full immersion, hrrrm?

Well, looks like I have a PC here in the office that I need to fix. So, until later, I'm gone. :P

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Coursefork Among Top 10 Open Source Projects of 2013

I'm so pleased that +Coursefork made's list of the top 10 open-source projects for 2013... this puts us alongside +Docker and +OpenStack, a true honor in my book.

If you haven't heard what the team has been working on, Coursefork is building an open-source collaboration tool for educators.  In the same way software creators can re-use open-source resources to get ahead in the development cycle, we want to enable teachers to re-use materials and improvements thereof to allow for the accretion of teaching techniques in place of continual re-invention.

“We're creating the pull request for courses, and the process of getting there means creating the tools necessary to support the community of a new open future for education.”

Learn more in this interview on


Top 10 open source projects in 2013 |

Best of in 2013: Top 10 open source projects of the year.

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Coursefork Among Top 10 Open Source Projects of 2013 I'm so pleased that +Coursefork made's...

Coursefork Among Top 10 Open Source Projects of 2013
I'm so pleased that +Coursefork made's list of the top 10 open-source projects for 2013... this puts us alongside +Docker and +OpenStack, a true honor in my book.

If you haven't heard what the team has been working on, Coursefork is building an open-source collaboration tool for educators.  In the same way software creators can re-use open-source resources to get ahead in the development cycle, we want to enable teachers to re-use materials and improvements thereof to allow for the accretion of teaching techniques in place of continual re-invention.

“We're creating the pull request for courses, and the process of getting there means creating the tools necessary to support the community of a new open future for education.”

Learn more in this interview on


Top 10 open source projects in 2013 |

Best of in 2013: Top 10 open source projects of the year.

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Coursefork Among Top 10 Open Source Projects of 2013 I'm so pleased that +Coursefork made's...

Coursefork Among Top 10 Open Source Projects of 2013
I'm so pleased that +Coursefork made's list of the top 10 open-source projects for 2013... this puts us alongside +Docker and +OpenStack, a true honor in my book.

If you haven't heard what the team has been working on, Coursefork is building an open-source collaboration tool for educators.  In the same way software creators can re-use open-source resources to get ahead in the development cycle, we want to enable teachers to re-use materials and improvements thereof to allow for the accretion of teaching techniques in place of continual re-invention.

“We're creating the pull request for courses, and the process of getting there means creating the tools necessary to support the community of a new open future for education.”

Learn more in this interview on


Top 10 open source projects in 2013 |

Best of in 2013: Top 10 open source projects of the year.

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Coursefork Among Top 10 Open Source Projects of 2013 I'm so pleased that +Coursefork made's...

Coursefork Among Top 10 Open Source Projects of 2013
I'm so pleased that +Coursefork made's list of the top 10 open-source projects for 2013... this puts us alongside +Docker and +OpenStack, a true honor in my book.

If you haven't heard what the team has been working on, Coursefork is building an open-source collaboration tool for educators.  In the same way software creators can re-use open-source resources to get ahead in the development cycle, we want to enable teachers to re-use materials and improvements thereof to allow for the accretion of teaching techniques in place of continual re-invention.

“We're creating the pull request for courses, and the process of getting there means creating the tools necessary to support the community of a new open future for education.”

Learn more in this interview on


Top 10 open source projects in 2013 |

Best of in 2013: Top 10 open source projects of the year.

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My list of entrepreneurial shortcomings includes Mirascape, which aspired to be a ubiquitous augmented...

My list of entrepreneurial shortcomings includes Mirascape, which aspired to be a ubiquitous augmented reality (AR) operating system for the real world. The problems we were solving (and our packaged solution) would have been the backbone for all of the [imagined] technology you see in this Samsung promo video for a new tech they're excited about, transparent and flexible OLED displays. [1]

If you're not familiar with augmented reality; it is the visual overlay of otherwise hidden information on the real world, as you observe it.

While you can ogle over ostentatious technologies like the embedded-display contact lenses the University of Washington is so proud of [2], it's exciting to see companies like TDK [3] and Laster Technologies [4] bring these kinds of stepping stone technology to bear. We can all download and install the awkward and barely applicable consumer-level AR applications on our smartphones ([5], [6], and [7]), but they will all remain novelty applications until we see major innovation in the display space.

One of the more practical examples I've seen of augmented reality in the real world is WordLens [8] (sadly only available for iOS), which provides instantaneous video translation through your device. It's not hard to imagine a pair of Oakley glasses with this display technology built-in, providing you with always-on translation while in an unfamiliar foreign location. Or perhaps even displaying your friend's tweet as a speech bubble above their head for a few seconds -- imagine if it were built right, how amazing it could be.

I genuinely hope to see more of this transparent display technology built in to more consumer-level products, and eyewear in particular. We need a lot more developers playing with the practical applications of augmented reality, and not just displaying compass-aligned markers over a geotagged Wikipedia article or Flickr photo. The high-power hardware necessary to do real-time computer vision processing is coming, and the applied software world needs to be ready for it.

[1]: Amazing Screen Technology : Samsung Flexible AMOLED


Amazing Screen Technology : Samsung Flexible AMOLED

This is CF of Samsung Mobile Display & AMOLED. I'ts amazing and wonderful technology!!! In korea, netizen says "Samsung kidnaps aliens(or hijacks UFO) again!" :)

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My list of entrepreneurial shortcomings includes Mirascape, which aspired to be a ubiquitous augmented...

My list of entrepreneurial shortcomings includes Mirascape, which aspired to be a ubiquitous augmented reality (AR) operating system for the real world. The problems we were solving (and our packaged solution) would have been the backbone for all of the [imagined] technology you see in this Samsung promo video for a new tech they're excited about, transparent and flexible OLED displays. [1]

If you're not familiar with augmented reality; it is the visual overlay of otherwise hidden information on the real world, as you observe it.

While you can ogle over ostentatious technologies like the embedded-display contact lenses the University of Washington is so proud of [2], it's exciting to see companies like TDK [3] and Laster Technologies [4] bring these kinds of stepping stone technology to bear. We can all download and install the awkward and barely applicable consumer-level AR applications on our smartphones ([5], [6], and [7]), but they will all remain novelty applications until we see major innovation in the display space.

One of the more practical examples I've seen of augmented reality in the real world is WordLens [8] (sadly only available for iOS), which provides instantaneous video translation through your device. It's not hard to imagine a pair of Oakley glasses with this display technology built-in, providing you with always-on translation while in an unfamiliar foreign location. Or perhaps even displaying your friend's tweet as a speech bubble above their head for a few seconds -- imagine if it were built right, how amazing it could be.

I genuinely hope to see more of this transparent display technology built in to more consumer-level products, and eyewear in particular. We need a lot more developers playing with the practical applications of augmented reality, and not just displaying compass-aligned markers over a geotagged Wikipedia article or Flickr photo. The high-power hardware necessary to do real-time computer vision processing is coming, and the applied software world needs to be ready for it.

[1]: Amazing Screen Technology : Samsung Flexible AMOLED


Amazing Screen Technology : Samsung Flexible AMOLED

This is CF of Samsung Mobile Display & AMOLED. I'ts amazing and wonderful technology!!! In korea, netizen says "Samsung kidnaps aliens(or hijacks UFO) again!" :)

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My list of entrepreneurial shortcomings includes Mirascape, which aspired to be a ubiquitous augmented...

My list of entrepreneurial shortcomings includes Mirascape, which aspired to be a ubiquitous augmented reality (AR) operating system for the real world. The problems we were solving (and our packaged solution) would have been the backbone for all of the [imagined] technology you see in this Samsung promo video for a new tech they're excited about, transparent and flexible OLED displays. [1]

If you're not familiar with augmented reality; it is the visual overlay of otherwise hidden information on the real world, as you observe it.

While you can ogle over ostentatious technologies like the embedded-display contact lenses the University of Washington is so proud of [2], it's exciting to see companies like TDK [3] and Laster Technologies [4] bring these kinds of stepping stone technology to bear. We can all download and install the awkward and barely applicable consumer-level AR applications on our smartphones ([5], [6], and [7]), but they will all remain novelty applications until we see major innovation in the display space.

One of the more practical examples I've seen of augmented reality in the real world is WordLens [8] (sadly only available for iOS), which provides instantaneous video translation through your device. It's not hard to imagine a pair of Oakley glasses with this display technology built-in, providing you with always-on translation while in an unfamiliar foreign location. Or perhaps even displaying your friend's tweet as a speech bubble above their head for a few seconds -- imagine if it were built right, how amazing it could be.

I genuinely hope to see more of this transparent display technology built in to more consumer-level products, and eyewear in particular. We need a lot more developers playing with the practical applications of augmented reality, and not just displaying compass-aligned markers over a geotagged Wikipedia article or Flickr photo. The high-power hardware necessary to do real-time computer vision processing is coming, and the applied software world needs to be ready for it.

[1]: Amazing Screen Technology : Samsung Flexible AMOLED


Amazing Screen Technology : Samsung Flexible AMOLED

This is CF of Samsung Mobile Display & AMOLED. I'ts amazing and wonderful technology!!! In korea, netizen says "Samsung kidnaps aliens(or hijacks UFO) again!" :)

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A Brief History of Freeform Roleplay

Warning: Strong nerdery follows. Please be cautious of your fragile mind.

Since late 1997, in all of my pre-teen glory, I have been involved with something my friends and I simply called roleplay in our own little vernacular. Of course I've since learned that roleplay doesn't only refer to the peer-driven world of online roleplay, it refers to all sorts of real-world tabletop games, live acting, and various amounts of storytelling, but this particular post is written with the word roleplay referring to the freeform online roleplaying that I have always been so close to.

Freeform roleplay, or the idea that there is no GM (game master) or storyteller (as in Vampire: The Masquerade), and is instead driven solely by the players, with no concrete rules for battle, statistics, or progression of the story. Rules and guidelines were driven by common expectation, which developed as a sort of social justice system that remains effective, even today.

The very roots of this sort of roleplay stem from early chat systems, where one could adopt a simple moniker and create a personality around the idea of an "avatar", which in most cases consisted only of this name. Players, without defining themselves as such, would interact in an imaginative world that coalesced out of their collaborative imagination. Each would react to the other characters' actions and dialogue in a fashion that suited their own character's theoretical personality, and this would create a constantly evolving story arc.

As the web (and the young teen's perception of the web) evolved and grew, so did the concept of roleplay. Online forums became an entirely new beast, allowing users to write more and more into their in character posts, instead of being limited to the single lines that chat provided (of course, some chats had enough space for people to post a full paragraph, or even two - but this was limited at the time), they were able to expound upon their writing and even proofread their copy before sending it across the web for the other players to view.

Freeform roleplay had also grown to be very competitive at this point, with groups of players forming groups known as clans, guilds, or otherwise, and expanded their IC competitions from chat to the forums and message boards now provided by a few enterprising organizations (or individuals). It was this competitive banter and challenge that defined what many now call the golden age of roleplay, which is what really drove the forefront of this gaming medium.

There were plenty of players who had entered their late teens (and some even were adults at this point, gasp!) who moved away from chat, and who moved away from the conflict-driven world of this type of roleplay. They went on to create storyline-oriented games, with a small and select number of players in more of a collaborative fiction setting. These players often went on to become writers and editors, being driven more by the literary aspect of relaying a fiction onto the internet, and often have their own private niche where they can continue to do this with their long-standing playergroup.

And... that's where we are today. The freeform roleplay community is growing and changing, barely 15 years old at this point. We have the chance to nurture it, just as we have the chance to neglect it. Those of us who've been involved since the beginning have the greatest opportunity to influence the course of growth, and that's exactly what I'm hoping to do.

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My list of entrepreneurial shortcomings includes Mirascape, which aspired to be a ubiquitous augmented...

My list of entrepreneurial shortcomings includes Mirascape, which aspired to be a ubiquitous augmented reality (AR) operating system for the real world. The problems we were solving (and our packaged solution) would have been the backbone for all of the [imagined] technology you see in this Samsung promo video for a new tech they're excited about, transparent and flexible OLED displays. [1]

If you're not familiar with augmented reality; it is the visual overlay of otherwise hidden information on the real world, as you observe it.

While you can ogle over ostentatious technologies like the embedded-display contact lenses the University of Washington is so proud of [2], it's exciting to see companies like TDK [3] and Laster Technologies [4] bring these kinds of stepping stone technology to bear. We can all download and install the awkward and barely applicable consumer-level AR applications on our smartphones ([5], [6], and [7]), but they will all remain novelty applications until we see major innovation in the display space.

One of the more practical examples I've seen of augmented reality in the real world is WordLens [8] (sadly only available for iOS), which provides instantaneous video translation through your device. It's not hard to imagine a pair of Oakley glasses with this display technology built-in, providing you with always-on translation while in an unfamiliar foreign location. Or perhaps even displaying your friend's tweet as a speech bubble above their head for a few seconds -- imagine if it were built right, how amazing it could be.

I genuinely hope to see more of this transparent display technology built in to more consumer-level products, and eyewear in particular. We need a lot more developers playing with the practical applications of augmented reality, and not just displaying compass-aligned markers over a geotagged Wikipedia article or Flickr photo. The high-power hardware necessary to do real-time computer vision processing is coming, and the applied software world needs to be ready for it.

[1]: Amazing Screen Technology : Samsung Flexible AMOLED


Amazing Screen Technology : Samsung Flexible AMOLED

This is CF of Samsung Mobile Display & AMOLED. I'ts amazing and wonderful technology!!! In korea, netizen says "Samsung kidnaps aliens(or hijacks UFO) again!" :)

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A favorite quote of mine from my favorite physicist, Richard Feynman, on the importance of play. Dr...

A favorite quote of mine from my favorite physicist, Richard Feynman, on the importance of play. Dr. Feynman was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who was notorious for being multi-faceted, in both his personal hobbies and his grasp of science. He worked on the Manhattan Project with Einstein, was part of the panel that investigated the Challenger Disaster, and his work plays a major role in the modern understanding of quantum computing.

“Then I had another thought: Physics disgusts me a little bit now, but I used to enjoy doing physics. Why did I enjoy it? I used to play with it. I used to do whatever I felt like doing - it didn’t have to do with whether it was important for the development of nuclear physics, but whether it was interesting and amusing for me to play with. When I was in high school, I’d see water running out of a faucet growing narrower, and wonder if I could figure out what determines that curve. I found it was rather easy to do. I didn’t have to do it; it wasn’t important for the future of science; somebody else had already done it. That didn’t make any difference. I’d invent things and play with things for my own entertainment.

So I got this new attitude. Now that I am burned out and I’ll never accomplish anything, I’ve got this nice position at the university teaching classes which I rather enjoy, and just like I read the Arabian Nights for pleasure, I’m going to play with physics, whenever I want to, without worrying about any importance whatsoever.

Within a week I was in the cafeteria and some guy, fooling around, throws a plate in the air. As the plate went up in the air I saw it wobble, and I noticed the red medallion of Cornell on the plate going around. It was pretty obvious to me that the medallion went around faster than the wobbling.

I had nothing to do, so I start to figure out the motion of the rotating plate. I discover that when the angle is very slight, the medallion rotates twice as fast as the wobble rate - two to one [Note: Feynman mis-remembers here---the factor of 2 is the other way]. It came out of a complicated equation! Then I thought, ‘Is there some way I can see in a more fundamental way, by looking at the forces or the dynamics, why it’s two to one?’

I don’t remember how I did it, but I ultimately worked out what the motion of the mass particles is, and how all the accelerations balance to make it come out two to one.

I still remember going to Hans Bethe and saying, ‘Hey, Hans! I noticed something interesting. Here the plate goes around so, and the reason it’s two to one is ...’ and I showed him the accelerations.

He says, ‘Feynman, that’s pretty interesting, but what’s the importance of it? Why are you doing it?’

‘Hah!’ I say. ‘There’s no importance whatsoever. I’m just doing it for the fun of it.’ His reaction didn’t discourage me; I had made up my mind I was going to enjoy physics and do whatever I liked.

I went on to work out equations of wobbles. Then I thought about how electron orbits start to move in relativity. Then there’s the Dirac Equation in electrodynamics. And then quantum electrodynamics. And before I knew it (it was a very short time) I was ‘playing’ - working, really - with the same old problem that I loved so much, that I had stopped working on when I went to Los Alamos: my thesis-type problems; all those old-fashioned, wonderful things.

It was effortless. It was easy to play with these things. It was like uncorking a bottle: Everything flowed out effortlessly. I almost tried to resist it! There was no importance to what I was doing, but ultimately there was. The diagrams and the whole business that I got the Nobel Prize for came from that piddling around with the wobbling plate.”

-- Richard Feynman, “Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman”, © 1985


Richard Feynman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Richard P. Feynman. Richard Feynman at Fermilab. Born, May 11, 1918(1918-05-11) Far Rockaway, Queens, New York, US. Died, February 15, 1988(1988-02-15) (aged 69) Los Angeles, California, US. Residence...

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A favorite quote of mine from my favorite physicist, Richard Feynman, on the importance of play. Dr...

A favorite quote of mine from my favorite physicist, Richard Feynman, on the importance of play. Dr. Feynman was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who was notorious for being multi-faceted, in both his personal hobbies and his grasp of science. He worked on the Manhattan Project with Einstein, was part of the panel that investigated the Challenger Disaster, and his work plays a major role in the modern understanding of quantum computing.

“Then I had another thought: Physics disgusts me a little bit now, but I used to enjoy doing physics. Why did I enjoy it? I used to play with it. I used to do whatever I felt like doing - it didn’t have to do with whether it was important for the development of nuclear physics, but whether it was interesting and amusing for me to play with. When I was in high school, I’d see water running out of a faucet growing narrower, and wonder if I could figure out what determines that curve. I found it was rather easy to do. I didn’t have to do it; it wasn’t important for the future of science; somebody else had already done it. That didn’t make any difference. I’d invent things and play with things for my own entertainment.

So I got this new attitude. Now that I am burned out and I’ll never accomplish anything, I’ve got this nice position at the university teaching classes which I rather enjoy, and just like I read the Arabian Nights for pleasure, I’m going to play with physics, whenever I want to, without worrying about any importance whatsoever.

Within a week I was in the cafeteria and some guy, fooling around, throws a plate in the air. As the plate went up in the air I saw it wobble, and I noticed the red medallion of Cornell on the plate going around. It was pretty obvious to me that the medallion went around faster than the wobbling.

I had nothing to do, so I start to figure out the motion of the rotating plate. I discover that when the angle is very slight, the medallion rotates twice as fast as the wobble rate - two to one [Note: Feynman mis-remembers here---the factor of 2 is the other way]. It came out of a complicated equation! Then I thought, ‘Is there some way I can see in a more fundamental way, by looking at the forces or the dynamics, why it’s two to one?’

I don’t remember how I did it, but I ultimately worked out what the motion of the mass particles is, and how all the accelerations balance to make it come out two to one.

I still remember going to Hans Bethe and saying, ‘Hey, Hans! I noticed something interesting. Here the plate goes around so, and the reason it’s two to one is ...’ and I showed him the accelerations.

He says, ‘Feynman, that’s pretty interesting, but what’s the importance of it? Why are you doing it?’

‘Hah!’ I say. ‘There’s no importance whatsoever. I’m just doing it for the fun of it.’ His reaction didn’t discourage me; I had made up my mind I was going to enjoy physics and do whatever I liked.

I went on to work out equations of wobbles. Then I thought about how electron orbits start to move in relativity. Then there’s the Dirac Equation in electrodynamics. And then quantum electrodynamics. And before I knew it (it was a very short time) I was ‘playing’ - working, really - with the same old problem that I loved so much, that I had stopped working on when I went to Los Alamos: my thesis-type problems; all those old-fashioned, wonderful things.

It was effortless. It was easy to play with these things. It was like uncorking a bottle: Everything flowed out effortlessly. I almost tried to resist it! There was no importance to what I was doing, but ultimately there was. The diagrams and the whole business that I got the Nobel Prize for came from that piddling around with the wobbling plate.”

-- Richard Feynman, “Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman”, © 1985


Richard Feynman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Richard P. Feynman. Richard Feynman at Fermilab. Born, May 11, 1918(1918-05-11) Far Rockaway, Queens, New York, US. Died, February 15, 1988(1988-02-15) (aged 69) Los Angeles, California, US. Residence...

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A favorite quote of mine from my favorite physicist, Richard Feynman, on the importance of play. Dr...

A favorite quote of mine from my favorite physicist, Richard Feynman, on the importance of play. Dr. Feynman was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who was notorious for being multi-faceted, in both his personal hobbies and his grasp of science. He worked on the Manhattan Project with Einstein, was part of the panel that investigated the Challenger Disaster, and his work plays a major role in the modern understanding of quantum computing.

“Then I had another thought: Physics disgusts me a little bit now, but I used to enjoy doing physics. Why did I enjoy it? I used to play with it. I used to do whatever I felt like doing - it didn’t have to do with whether it was important for the development of nuclear physics, but whether it was interesting and amusing for me to play with. When I was in high school, I’d see water running out of a faucet growing narrower, and wonder if I could figure out what determines that curve. I found it was rather easy to do. I didn’t have to do it; it wasn’t important for the future of science; somebody else had already done it. That didn’t make any difference. I’d invent things and play with things for my own entertainment.

So I got this new attitude. Now that I am burned out and I’ll never accomplish anything, I’ve got this nice position at the university teaching classes which I rather enjoy, and just like I read the Arabian Nights for pleasure, I’m going to play with physics, whenever I want to, without worrying about any importance whatsoever.

Within a week I was in the cafeteria and some guy, fooling around, throws a plate in the air. As the plate went up in the air I saw it wobble, and I noticed the red medallion of Cornell on the plate going around. It was pretty obvious to me that the medallion went around faster than the wobbling.

I had nothing to do, so I start to figure out the motion of the rotating plate. I discover that when the angle is very slight, the medallion rotates twice as fast as the wobble rate - two to one [Note: Feynman mis-remembers here---the factor of 2 is the other way]. It came out of a complicated equation! Then I thought, ‘Is there some way I can see in a more fundamental way, by looking at the forces or the dynamics, why it’s two to one?’

I don’t remember how I did it, but I ultimately worked out what the motion of the mass particles is, and how all the accelerations balance to make it come out two to one.

I still remember going to Hans Bethe and saying, ‘Hey, Hans! I noticed something interesting. Here the plate goes around so, and the reason it’s two to one is ...’ and I showed him the accelerations.

He says, ‘Feynman, that’s pretty interesting, but what’s the importance of it? Why are you doing it?’

‘Hah!’ I say. ‘There’s no importance whatsoever. I’m just doing it for the fun of it.’ His reaction didn’t discourage me; I had made up my mind I was going to enjoy physics and do whatever I liked.

I went on to work out equations of wobbles. Then I thought about how electron orbits start to move in relativity. Then there’s the Dirac Equation in electrodynamics. And then quantum electrodynamics. And before I knew it (it was a very short time) I was ‘playing’ - working, really - with the same old problem that I loved so much, that I had stopped working on when I went to Los Alamos: my thesis-type problems; all those old-fashioned, wonderful things.

It was effortless. It was easy to play with these things. It was like uncorking a bottle: Everything flowed out effortlessly. I almost tried to resist it! There was no importance to what I was doing, but ultimately there was. The diagrams and the whole business that I got the Nobel Prize for came from that piddling around with the wobbling plate.”

-- Richard Feynman, “Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman”, © 1985


Richard Feynman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Richard P. Feynman. Richard Feynman at Fermilab. Born, May 11, 1918(1918-05-11) Far Rockaway, Queens, New York, US. Died, February 15, 1988(1988-02-15) (aged 69) Los Angeles, California, US. Residence...

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A favorite quote of mine from my favorite physicist, Richard Feynman, on the importance of play. Dr...

A favorite quote of mine from my favorite physicist, Richard Feynman, on the importance of play. Dr. Feynman was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who was notorious for being multi-faceted, in both his personal hobbies and his grasp of science. He worked on the Manhattan Project with Einstein, was part of the panel that investigated the Challenger Disaster, and his work plays a major role in the modern understanding of quantum computing.

“Then I had another thought: Physics disgusts me a little bit now, but I used to enjoy doing physics. Why did I enjoy it? I used to play with it. I used to do whatever I felt like doing - it didn’t have to do with whether it was important for the development of nuclear physics, but whether it was interesting and amusing for me to play with. When I was in high school, I’d see water running out of a faucet growing narrower, and wonder if I could figure out what determines that curve. I found it was rather easy to do. I didn’t have to do it; it wasn’t important for the future of science; somebody else had already done it. That didn’t make any difference. I’d invent things and play with things for my own entertainment.

So I got this new attitude. Now that I am burned out and I’ll never accomplish anything, I’ve got this nice position at the university teaching classes which I rather enjoy, and just like I read the Arabian Nights for pleasure, I’m going to play with physics, whenever I want to, without worrying about any importance whatsoever.

Within a week I was in the cafeteria and some guy, fooling around, throws a plate in the air. As the plate went up in the air I saw it wobble, and I noticed the red medallion of Cornell on the plate going around. It was pretty obvious to me that the medallion went around faster than the wobbling.

I had nothing to do, so I start to figure out the motion of the rotating plate. I discover that when the angle is very slight, the medallion rotates twice as fast as the wobble rate - two to one [Note: Feynman mis-remembers here---the factor of 2 is the other way]. It came out of a complicated equation! Then I thought, ‘Is there some way I can see in a more fundamental way, by looking at the forces or the dynamics, why it’s two to one?’

I don’t remember how I did it, but I ultimately worked out what the motion of the mass particles is, and how all the accelerations balance to make it come out two to one.

I still remember going to Hans Bethe and saying, ‘Hey, Hans! I noticed something interesting. Here the plate goes around so, and the reason it’s two to one is ...’ and I showed him the accelerations.

He says, ‘Feynman, that’s pretty interesting, but what’s the importance of it? Why are you doing it?’

‘Hah!’ I say. ‘There’s no importance whatsoever. I’m just doing it for the fun of it.’ His reaction didn’t discourage me; I had made up my mind I was going to enjoy physics and do whatever I liked.

I went on to work out equations of wobbles. Then I thought about how electron orbits start to move in relativity. Then there’s the Dirac Equation in electrodynamics. And then quantum electrodynamics. And before I knew it (it was a very short time) I was ‘playing’ - working, really - with the same old problem that I loved so much, that I had stopped working on when I went to Los Alamos: my thesis-type problems; all those old-fashioned, wonderful things.

It was effortless. It was easy to play with these things. It was like uncorking a bottle: Everything flowed out effortlessly. I almost tried to resist it! There was no importance to what I was doing, but ultimately there was. The diagrams and the whole business that I got the Nobel Prize for came from that piddling around with the wobbling plate.”

-- Richard Feynman, “Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman”, © 1985


Richard Feynman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Richard P. Feynman. Richard Feynman at Fermilab. Born, May 11, 1918(1918-05-11) Far Rockaway, Queens, New York, US. Died, February 15, 1988(1988-02-15) (aged 69) Los Angeles, California, US. Residence...

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BitPay Expands, Fueled By Bitcoin Demand

Yes, we're expanding.  While +Wells Fargo [1] and +Wikipedia [2] start exploring #cryptofinance, we're also moving full steam ahead towards getting every company in the world to accept  #bitcoin as a payment option.

Not only have we hired the best from companies like +Red Hat+IBM, and Visa into our senior leadership, but we've established a firm position in the marketplace–we're now performing over $1,000,000 per day in transactions with Bitcoin, and there are now over 1,000 new businesses accepting Bitcoin every week.  Now, we're hiring to support this investment in the community.

If you're interested in building anything related to  #cryptofinance, give me a shout.  We're extremely focused on  #OpenSource and  #cryptography  , and will be spending a lot of our time [3] participating in the support of developers building applications in the space.  If you want to build something that will shape the future of the world,  #cryptofinance is the right space to be in.

[2]: and !
[3]: We've already released Bitcore (see for more information), but we'll be a major presence in number of events in the coming year (not the least of which was +LAUNCH most recently!).  We're on a tear to support engineers building new projects with  #bitcoin  , so feel free to reach out and let me know what you're working on.


Atlanta's BitPay expands HQ, fueled by Bitcoin demand - Atlanta Business Chronicle

Even as the fate of cryptocurrency Bitcoin whipsaws amidst controversy and volatility, one Atlanta-based Bitcoin services company is doubling down.

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BitPay Expands, Fueled By Bitcoin Demand Yes, we're expanding.  While +Wells Fargo [1] and +Wikipedia...

BitPay Expands, Fueled By Bitcoin Demand
Yes, we're expanding.  While +Wells Fargo [1] and +Wikipedia [2] start exploring    #cryptofinance  , we're also moving full steam ahead towards getting every company in the world to accept  #bitcoin   as a payment option.

Not only have we hired the best from companies like +Red Hat+IBM, and Visa into our senior leadership, but we've established a firm position in the marketplace–we're now performing over $1,000,000 per day in transactions with Bitcoin, and there are now over 1,000 new businesses accepting Bitcoin every week.  Now, we're hiring to support this investment in the community.

If you're interested in building anything related to  #cryptofinance  , give me a shout.  We're extremely focused on  #OpenSource   and  #cryptography  , and will be spending a lot of our time [3] participating in the support of developers building applications in the space.  If you want to build something that will shape the future of the world,  #cryptofinance   is the right space to be in.

[2]: and !
[3]: We've already released Bitcore (see for more information), but we'll be a major presence in number of events in the coming year (not the least of which was +LAUNCH most recently!).  We're on a tear to support engineers building new projects with  #bitcoin  , so feel free to reach out and let me know what you're working on.


Atlanta's BitPay expands HQ, fueled by Bitcoin demand - Atlanta Business Chronicle

Even as the fate of cryptocurrency Bitcoin whipsaws amidst controversy and volatility, one Atlanta-based Bitcoin services company is doubling down.

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BitPay Expands, Fueled By Bitcoin Demand Yes, we're expanding.  While +Wells Fargo [1] and +Wikipedia...

BitPay Expands, Fueled By Bitcoin Demand
Yes, we're expanding.  While +Wells Fargo [1] and +Wikipedia [2] start exploring    #cryptofinance  , we're also moving full steam ahead towards getting every company in the world to accept  #bitcoin   as a payment option.

Not only have we hired the best from companies like +Red Hat+IBM, and Visa into our senior leadership, but we've established a firm position in the marketplace–we're now performing over $1,000,000 per day in transactions with Bitcoin, and there are now over 1,000 new businesses accepting Bitcoin every week.  Now, we're hiring to support this investment in the community.

If you're interested in building anything related to  #cryptofinance  , give me a shout.  We're extremely focused on  #OpenSource   and  #cryptography  , and will be spending a lot of our time [3] participating in the support of developers building applications in the space.  If you want to build something that will shape the future of the world,  #cryptofinance   is the right space to be in.

[2]: and !
[3]: We've already released Bitcore (see for more information), but we'll be a major presence in number of events in the coming year (not the least of which was +LAUNCH most recently!).  We're on a tear to support engineers building new projects with  #bitcoin  , so feel free to reach out and let me know what you're working on.


Atlanta's BitPay expands HQ, fueled by Bitcoin demand - Atlanta Business Chronicle

Even as the fate of cryptocurrency Bitcoin whipsaws amidst controversy and volatility, one Atlanta-based Bitcoin services company is doubling down.

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RSS is back, or "a brief history of"

Hello there, adoring internet-stalkers! (I'm kidding. ~_~) You may have noticed (if you were loyal, that is ;)) that my Feedburner-powered RSS Feed has been lacking in activity lately. There's a reason for that.

Recently, I got rid of WordPress and Sweetcron in favor of a new CMS platform, Chyrp. I had been running Wordpress for a long time, using it to share my thoughts with the general internet populace. However, it had become a bit of a chore to maintain, and it really felt like duplicate work on top of all the other content-generation I was already performing (i.e., forum posts, blog comments, "Loved" Tracks, Google Reader shared items, etc.), so I began to look for a way to aggregate this content into a central place.

For a while, FriendFeed served this purpose well, but I didn't like the lack of control I had over the source. Facebook also filled part of this gap (and it still does, to a point), and they've even purchased FriendFeed, but I was looking for something quite a bit more customizable and self-hosted. Through various referrals, I came across Yongfook's Sweetcron project which was a new platform designed specifically for this new thing they called, le gasp, "Lifestreaming".

However, after fighting with Sweetcron and its aggregation methods, particularly its lack of support for various service feed formats; I decided to look into something else. Initial searches landed me upon Tumblr, who had conveniently announced a feature that syncs comments across multiple services (or aggregates). Sadly, I didn't want to get back into a world where all my code was hosted by someone else, and I had no control over it. I kept Sweetcron running on my site under lifestream/, but I continued searching for a better solution.

I then stumbled across Bazooka, which was billed as "the first free PHP tumblelog engine". Thanks to Bazooka developer Evan Walsh, who alerted me to a more up-to-date and current replacement called Chyrp. And I was sold. I immediately spent a few hours converting my existing content from WordPress and SweetCron over to a test installation of Chyrp, and then took the next night changing my site structure and 301'd all my old links to the new URLs.

That's where stands today. I've spent a few weeks getting my stream set up the way I want it, and I'm turning the RSS feed back on. Posts should begin flowing into your RSS reader very shortly. Post comments, feedback, and questions here!

Edit 10:13 PM EST: It looks like Feedburner is having some trouble parsing my new RSS content. You can subscribe to my direct feed and it will always work.

Edit 10:58 PM EST: I've fixed the problem and committed the patch to GitHub.

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Compelling Narratives using Augmented Reality +Google Glass has, for better or worse, shaped the narrative...

Compelling Narratives using Augmented Reality
+Google Glass has, for better or worse, shaped the narrative around augmented reality this past year.  We've seen the arms (eyes?) race rapidly develop, culminating recently with the +YCombinator-backed +meta announcing their "SpaceGlasses" [1], one of the first truly compelling experiences built around a convincingly capable device [2].

The hardest part of augmented reality is not the hardware, nor the computer vision software—both extremely difficult academic challenges in their own right, and certainly not to be taken by the faint of heart—but in the experience.

These problems will be solved, through no small effort, but they will be solved.  The most daunting challenge is to build a compelling story that binds the available data (read "the Internet") to the real world, and exposes it in an unobtrusive and seamless fashion.  This too will emerge naturally, but early pioneers in the space need to think carefully about the application of augmented reality in order to succeed; no one wants a world filled with advertisements [3], and in fact—some even try to eliminate them [4].

Here, +Field Trip attempts to builds one such compelling story.  The experience of contextual information making itself available without interrupting your interactions with the real world is so tantalizingly close you can feel it, but one wonders just how much control the user will have over the frequency and relevance of the information "popups".  In the early days of the software industry (late 60s, early 70s), an ongoing debate between the [then] default of free software vs. closed software unfolded, setting the foundation for today's conversation around open source and free [5] software.  I'll be talking more about this in a presentation at the upcoming #RTP180 : Open Source All Things event [6] in North Carolina.

It's another step forward for ubiquitous augmented reality, an exciting one indeed, but one that won't achieve mass adoption until the user can control their own experience [7].

[2]: SpaceGlasses are the future of computing
[5]: that's free as in libertas, not as in gratis.
[7]: I recently started a project to this effect called "Para", a client-agnostic peer-to-peer network for implementing a data layer on top of the real world.  I'm seeking collaborators!  Check it out:


Field Trip on Glass

Heads up! Your city is trying to tell you something. The history, architecture, insider tips and hidden gems from over 100 local publisher partners come to l...

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Compelling Narratives using Augmented Reality +Google Glass has, for better or worse, shaped the narrative...

Compelling Narratives using Augmented Reality
+Google Glass has, for better or worse, shaped the narrative around augmented reality this past year.  We've seen the arms (eyes?) race rapidly develop, culminating recently with the +YCombinator-backed +meta announcing their "SpaceGlasses" [1], one of the first truly compelling experiences built around a convincingly capable device [2].

The hardest part of augmented reality is not the hardware, nor the computer vision software—both extremely difficult academic challenges in their own right, and certainly not to be taken by the faint of heart—but in the experience.

These problems will be solved, through no small effort, but they will be solved.  The most daunting challenge is to build a compelling story that binds the available data (read "the Internet") to the real world, and exposes it in an unobtrusive and seamless fashion.  This too will emerge naturally, but early pioneers in the space need to think carefully about the application of augmented reality in order to succeed; no one wants a world filled with advertisements [3], and in fact—some even try to eliminate them [4].

Here, +Field Trip attempts to builds one such compelling story.  The experience of contextual information making itself available without interrupting your interactions with the real world is so tantalizingly close you can feel it, but one wonders just how much control the user will have over the frequency and relevance of the information "popups".  In the early days of the software industry (late 60s, early 70s), an ongoing debate between the [then] default of free software vs. closed software unfolded, setting the foundation for today's conversation around open source and free [5] software.  I'll be talking more about this in a presentation at the upcoming #RTP180 : Open Source All Things event [6] in North Carolina.

It's another step forward for ubiquitous augmented reality, an exciting one indeed, but one that won't achieve mass adoption until the user can control their own experience [7].

[2]: SpaceGlasses are the future of computing
[5]: that's free as in libertas, not as in gratis.
[7]: I recently started a project to this effect called "Para", a client-agnostic peer-to-peer network for implementing a data layer on top of the real world.  I'm seeking collaborators!  Check it out:


Field Trip on Glass

Heads up! Your city is trying to tell you something. The history, architecture, insider tips and hidden gems from over 100 local publisher partners come to l...

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Compelling Narratives using Augmented Reality +Google Glass has, for better or worse, shaped the narrative...

Compelling Narratives using Augmented Reality
+Google Glass has, for better or worse, shaped the narrative around augmented reality this past year.  We've seen the arms (eyes?) race rapidly develop, culminating recently with the +YCombinator-backed +meta announcing their "SpaceGlasses" [1], one of the first truly compelling experiences built around a convincingly capable device [2].

The hardest part of augmented reality is not the hardware, nor the computer vision software—both extremely difficult academic challenges in their own right, and certainly not to be taken by the faint of heart—but in the experience.

These problems will be solved, through no small effort, but they will be solved.  The most daunting challenge is to build a compelling story that binds the available data (read "the Internet") to the real world, and exposes it in an unobtrusive and seamless fashion.  This too will emerge naturally, but early pioneers in the space need to think carefully about the application of augmented reality in order to succeed; no one wants a world filled with advertisements [3], and in fact—some even try to eliminate them [4].

Here, +Field Trip attempts to builds one such compelling story.  The experience of contextual information making itself available without interrupting your interactions with the real world is so tantalizingly close you can feel it, but one wonders just how much control the user will have over the frequency and relevance of the information "popups".  In the early days of the software industry (late 60s, early 70s), an ongoing debate between the [then] default of free software vs. closed software unfolded, setting the foundation for today's conversation around open source and free [5] software.  I'll be talking more about this in a presentation at the upcoming #RTP180 : Open Source All Things event [6] in North Carolina.

It's another step forward for ubiquitous augmented reality, an exciting one indeed, but one that won't achieve mass adoption until the user can control their own experience [7].

[2]: SpaceGlasses are the future of computing
[5]: that's free as in libertas, not as in gratis.
[7]: I recently started a project to this effect called "Para", a client-agnostic peer-to-peer network for implementing a data layer on top of the real world.  I'm seeking collaborators!  Check it out:


Field Trip on Glass

Heads up! Your city is trying to tell you something. The history, architecture, insider tips and hidden gems from over 100 local publisher partners come to l...

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BitPay Expands, Fueled By Bitcoin Demand Yes, we're expanding.  While +Wells Fargo [1] and +Wikipedia...

BitPay Expands, Fueled By Bitcoin Demand
Yes, we're expanding.  While +Wells Fargo [1] and +Wikipedia [2] start exploring    #cryptofinance  , we're also moving full steam ahead towards getting every company in the world to accept  #bitcoin   as a payment option.

Not only have we hired the best from companies like +Red Hat+IBM, and Visa into our senior leadership, but we've established a firm position in the marketplace–we're now performing over $1,000,000 per day in transactions with Bitcoin, and there are now over 1,000 new businesses accepting Bitcoin every week.  Now, we're hiring to support this investment in the community.

If you're interested in building anything related to  #cryptofinance  , give me a shout.  We're extremely focused on  #OpenSource   and  #cryptography  , and will be spending a lot of our time [3] participating in the support of developers building applications in the space.  If you want to build something that will shape the future of the world,  #cryptofinance   is the right space to be in.

[2]: and !
[3]: We've already released Bitcore (see for more information), but we'll be a major presence in number of events in the coming year (not the least of which was +LAUNCH most recently!).  We're on a tear to support engineers building new projects with  #bitcoin  , so feel free to reach out and let me know what you're working on.


Atlanta's BitPay expands HQ, fueled by Bitcoin demand - Atlanta Business Chronicle

Even as the fate of cryptocurrency Bitcoin whipsaws amidst controversy and volatility, one Atlanta-based Bitcoin services company is doubling down.

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Compelling Narratives using Augmented Reality +Google Glass has, for better or worse, shaped the narrative...

Compelling Narratives using Augmented Reality
+Google Glass has, for better or worse, shaped the narrative around augmented reality this past year.  We've seen the arms (eyes?) race rapidly develop, culminating recently with the +YCombinator-backed +meta announcing their "SpaceGlasses" [1], one of the first truly compelling experiences built around a convincingly capable device [2].

The hardest part of augmented reality is not the hardware, nor the computer vision software—both extremely difficult academic challenges in their own right, and certainly not to be taken by the faint of heart—but in the experience.

These problems will be solved, through no small effort, but they will be solved.  The most daunting challenge is to build a compelling story that binds the available data (read "the Internet") to the real world, and exposes it in an unobtrusive and seamless fashion.  This too will emerge naturally, but early pioneers in the space need to think carefully about the application of augmented reality in order to succeed; no one wants a world filled with advertisements [3], and in fact—some even try to eliminate them [4].

Here, +Field Trip attempts to builds one such compelling story.  The experience of contextual information making itself available without interrupting your interactions with the real world is so tantalizingly close you can feel it, but one wonders just how much control the user will have over the frequency and relevance of the information "popups".  In the early days of the software industry (late 60s, early 70s), an ongoing debate between the [then] default of free software vs. closed software unfolded, setting the foundation for today's conversation around open source and free [5] software.  I'll be talking more about this in a presentation at the upcoming #RTP180 : Open Source All Things event [6] in North Carolina.

It's another step forward for ubiquitous augmented reality, an exciting one indeed, but one that won't achieve mass adoption until the user can control their own experience [7].

[2]: SpaceGlasses are the future of computing
[5]: that's free as in libertas, not as in gratis.
[7]: I recently started a project to this effect called "Para", a client-agnostic peer-to-peer network for implementing a data layer on top of the real world.  I'm seeking collaborators!  Check it out:


Field Trip on Glass

Heads up! Your city is trying to tell you something. The history, architecture, insider tips and hidden gems from over 100 local publisher partners come to l...

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Choosing A Medium For Your Online Role Playing Game

Running a role playing game online presents a large of amount of flexibility in the way you run the game. You no longer need individual sessions where all players are present, and there are a plethora of options as to where you are going to run it - if you want to run it in any one place.

One of the number one questions I receive relates to the medium for online RPGs. There are tons of different ways of communicating online, mainly grouped into a few categories. We have instant messenger, chats, message boards, and emails. There are a few custom services out there, but I'm going to touch on the four that I've mentioned.

On RolePlayGateway, we have a set of roleplaying forums as well as a roleplaying chat. When you're running an RPG, there are a few items you should consider when deciding where you're going to keep everything.

Forums have the benefit of being static and always available - users can post to forums at any time during the day and be sure that other users (and roleplayers) can see their message. Forums are also very flexible, they allow you to embed images and other multimedia within your posts, allowing you to share any experience with your players. However, it is post based - forums are often not the quickest way to communicate, as it is not a live feed of information like a chat.

Chats, on the other hand, have the benefit of being real time. Games can be run in chat (and instant messenger) on a moment's notice, and work best when all of the players can be available at the same time. Because it is real time, short blip-based sessions such as character conversations and interactions work extraordinarily well with chats. Players can get the chance to interject into other player's actions and statements without the worry of too much time going by. It is for this reason that the longer posts, such as those that exceed a paragraph, are often too large and unwieldy for chats - players end up waiting too long for each post, and will get bored.

Longer posts do very well on forums, where writing an individual post can take half an hour or longer to refine and perfect - just enough time for the players to go look at other games and other topics before they come back and begin formulating their response.

If you're running a game with a detailed and/or complicated storyline or characters, it is always good to post something on a forum for player reference. This lets the players have a place to communicate out of character (OOC) - such as when they won't be able to make a chat session, or when they want to discuss plans for character interaction, growth, or development. Even if your game is already on a forum - it is a good idea to create a place for OOC discussion. For chat-based games - this gives a perfect opportunity for players to jump in at the middle of a game with little trouble, as they simply need to read over the history of the game on the forum, which they can do at any point in time, and less time is needed explaining the game to the player.

Instant messenger works well when dealing with one on one sessions, such as when two characters are the only ones in an interaction or a meeting needs to be private. These interactions can be summarized or written into a cinematic format and then posted to the forum, for other players to enjoy as well. Instant messenger (as well as Private Messages) does very well at asking questions of the other players, which is convenient when you have a question about how they're playing a role or a reference they made in character.

There are also emails - many games aren't run by email anymore, but email is still a very valuable tool. RolePlayGateway like many forums offers you the ability to subscribe to topics. Subscriptions will let you receive an immediate email update whenever someone replies to the thread. This is extraordinarily helpful when there's an RPG with only a few players that can only reply every once in a while, but it requires that people, y'know, actually check their email. RolePlayGateway also has the special ability to instant message you when there's an update to a subscribed thread. All you need is a Jabber account (GMail accounts work, too) and to set up the notifications. We'll send you a message as soon as there's an update.

What methods have you used to manage your online roleplaying games? Are you a fan of forum or chat? Both? What helps you determine where you're going to hold your game? Discuss!

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Why I Don't Use Skype (and why you shouldn't, either)

I often get asked for my Skype address, sometimes in relation to business or casual conversation. I politely decline with some degree of hand-waving about my reasons, and suggest an alternative form of communication (typically either Google Talk or Google Hangouts, depending on the context—both are built right in to Gmail!). I'd like to outline some of the reasons why I've made the decision to avoid Skype, primarily so I have something to link to when someone asks me about it.

First and foremost, we don't really know what Skype actually does. The binary (the actual program you run on your computer) is obfuscated, so attempts at disassembling it [PDF] to verify some of its strange behavior and the information it is transmitting have so far come up with very little. This is an issue, because Skype produces encrypted traffic even when you are not actively using Skype. This means we can only speculate on what information Skype is collecting about you after you've so graciously chosen to install it, and perhaps more importantly who it is sending that information to.

Quoting Salman Baset:

When a Skype client is not in a call and is running on a machine with public IP address, it has on the average 4-8 active TCP connections and atleast one UDP connection.

While connecting to external IP addresses is normal for a server/client architecture and necessary for receiving notifications, the volume of traffic and number of connections is concerning, considering the compounding issues between Skype's peer-to-peer architecture [PDF] and the "reasonable level of detection accuracy" in snooping on voice calls in Skype [PDF], despite the [purportedly] encrypted nature of the Skype protocol.

Speaking in general terms, Skype is "black box" software which has undergone no public review despite very concerning observed behavior. When new Skype malware (like Skype IMBot, of which an analysis is available, or the more recent Skype account hijacking) is released, there are very few options to protect ourselves if we've got Skype installed. On Linux, tools like AppArmor and TOMOYO exist, but without the ability to easily view the source and understand the attack (per perhaps even fix it proactively, before it occurs) we are at the mercy of Skype's new maintainers to provide a timely resolution in a reactive approach.

If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web server, you're defenceless. You're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software.
— Richard Stallman
In conclusion, while Skype may be convenient, it presents a series of questions that must be asked and implications to be considered before choosing it over other chat, VoIP, and video chat solutions. I can only hope that more people consider these things before doing so.


Some of the other things I found interesting, more recently than the research I've linked in this post, include Skype's role in the Syrian conflict, in which a claim was made as follows:
A media activist in Idlib named Mohamed said a rebel informant working for the government was killed in Damascus six months ago after sending warnings to the Free Syrian Army on Skype. “I saw this incident right in front of my eyes,” Mohamed said. “We put his info on Skype so he was arrested and killed.”

Skype (Microsoft) has also made other concerning statements after accusations of helping the U.S. Government spy on its own citizens.

Wikipedia also lists a large number of known flaws in Skype, which I've chosen to avoid duplicating in this post.

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